La prima parte di tutto ciò che riguarda la cucina La prima parte di tutto ciò che riguarda la cucina

Bbq Smokers - A Big Part Of American Cookery

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Smokers may not be used as often as the stove or the microwave oven these days, but they have been a part of American cookery for a long time now. In fact, there were even smoking houses built in the early days which were mainly used to preserve meat. Today, that kind of smoking food is still alive as evidenced by the smoked bacon, ham or lox we still have. Indeed, smokers have been around for generations and definitely for many more to come.

There are two kinds of smoking...

barbecue smokers,hot smoking,cold smoking,bbq,bbq smokers

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Smokers may not be used as often as the stove or the microwave oven these days, but they have been a part of American cookery for a long time now. In fact, there were even smoking houses built in the early days which were mainly used to preserve meat. Today, that kind of smoking food is still alive as evidenced by the smoked bacon, ham or lox we still have. Indeed, smokers have been around for generations and definitely for many more to come.

There are two kinds of smoking methods – hot and cold smoking. Hot smoking is simply letting hot smoke pass through the food to cook it. Smokers used for hot smoking not only cook the meat but also impart the flavor at the same time. To achieve this, the food being smoked is kept directly above or near the source of heat or the fire, in an enclosed compartment.

In cold smoking, the meat is kept in an enclosure separate from the source of heat at room temperature. The smoke is allowed to cool down before it is blown to the food. The flavor reaches the food but not the heat. Curing usually accompanies the cooking as a way to preserve the meat and it takes hours or days to complete it.

There are available in the market today every imaginable size, shape and make of smokers - a sign that Americans still value this cooking method. During the warmer time of the year, they are extensively used. Cookouts are never the same without the ubiquitous flavorful barbeque smoked to perfection.

There are now smokers made with digital technology so maintaining the temperature is very easy. Some use gas or electric while others use charcoal or wood. Wood chips, sawdust or briquettes usually go with the purchase.

Check out sites online that market smokers for comparison of prices and quality. Bear in mind the usual number of people you cook for so that you get a fairly-sized smoker. Prices vary as well so better set a price range. In choosing one, go for quality.

There are even companies that manufacture custom-made smokers to suit clients' specifications. If you are up to it, they are found online as well for you to place that order.

Having a smoker in the house will allow you to cook more delicious, flavorful and nutritious meals for friends and guests.

Beam Me Up Scotty

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Living in a High Tech Kitchen Keywords:

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Living in a high tech kitchen

As I try desperately to fasten the storage drawer at the bottom of my oven back onto its rails, I find myself dreaming about a “Smart Kitchen”, you know one that does everything for you.             Well, okay I thought that it was maybe a little far fetched but as I looked into it a little further I realized that it’s not that far off after all.

If I had the Miele’s MasterChef wall oven I could cook and bake much faster and more evenly with the use of conventional and convection cooking. While they may be expensive, wouldn’t it be worth the money for The Beyond Microwave Oven that is programmed to read more than 4,000 UPC bar codes?                        Think about that for a minute.         I could throw a box into the microwave and by reading the UPC code it would know whether it was cooking chicken or popcorn.                 Of course the most obvious benefit of that would be I would no longer have to cross my fingers and hope I picked the right cooking time.          I hate burned popcorn…but I’ve gotten used to it.

Salton now has the Beyond Bread Maker.  Are you sitting down?  This handy dandy machine will scan the bar code and then prepare bread and cake mixes according to package instructions!          I wanted to know how it gets to the fridge to get the eggs but wondered too soon as I read further and found that they are working on appliances that will network with each other.        With so many homes going wireless I guess it was a short leap to having a stove with the capability of checking in with your fridge and cupboards to see what ingredients you already have to make the recipe that your computer has suggested from the Internet.     Wasn’t that movie I, Robot about machines that revolted?              Freaky.

My two favorite things are TV and eating (not in that order) so imagine my delight when I found the LG Electronics' side-by-side television refrigerator. With its 13-inch LCD monitor on the freezer door I would never have to leave the kitchen. I had better hope they come up with an exercise bike that works out for me or I am
going to be in big trouble! Along that same line though is a truly great idea that I could get into. They have put a digital screen on the fridge door that holds the family calendar as well as an appointment calendar.                  Every mother is going to love that one! For more information on it check out ightechkitchen.asp

I heard once that you shouldn’t put frozen food in the oven with the timer set for later as the warming up process could be unhealthy.           Good sense or wives’ tale?  I’m still not sure. Whether that is true or not doesn’t really matter anymore because there's Whirlpool's Polara refrigerated range. This will allow you to put your casserole into the oven on your way out the door in the morning and it will keep it cool and then cook it when its time.                             Do they have anything that would go to work for me instead? Take a visual wander through for some great ideas in high tech appliances.

If this keeps up I will very soon be able to sit on the sofa eating bon bons and watching the soaps while my oven and refrigerator confab over the bar codes to decide what to make me for dinner. What I am really waiting for is the invention that sweeps the floor for me at the press of a button. How cool would that be?                                I think the built in vacuum system that lets you sweep with a broom and then push it into an opening along the baseboard where the vacuum sucks it up is about as close as we’ll get.               I’m not complaining because with all of the things they come up with day after day I think someone was really thinking on that one.

There is a coffee maker that can recognize your cup and make the coffee to your liking.          I personally think the Talking Trivet that tells you when your food needs reheating or that it is hot and ready to eat is kind of creepy.            What if it malfunctioned and was talking to the TV in the fridge door in the middle of the night?     I guess that would be when the high tech security system of the future would kick in and arrest them both.

I guess if Big Brother is coming (already here??) we might as well gain from the technology to make our monitored lives easier.  It’s weird to think though that someday soon our homes will have lives of their own and very little need of us.           It will be empty nest all over again!

Beat the Summer Heat with Crock Pot Cooking

When the weather outside warms up, the kitchen can be a terrible place to be. There are many things you can do however, when it comes to cooking a nice home made meal that doesn’t require traditional stove top or oven cooking. Learn to utilize some of the lesser heat producing equipment in your kitchen, such as the crock pot, in order to truly beat the summer heat and keep your cool while preparing a nice hot meal for friends and family.

So, how does crock pot cooking really help beat the heat? Simply put, the crock pot in and of itself puts off far less heat when cooking than an oven or stove top. This is the first and possibly the best reason to utilize the crock pot in your summer meal planning. You should also consider the fact that by not heating the house by using your stove top or oven you are also preventing your air conditioning (or other cooling methods) from working overtime in order to compensate for the additional heat that other cooking methods introduce.

This makes crock pot cooking a win-win situation as the costs involved in operating a crock pot are far less than the costs involved in operating a stove or oven in general. Whether electric or gas, your stove and oven are often serious energy hogs. Add to that the fact that you are not raising the temperature in your home by traditional means of cooking and you are using even less electricity.

Unfortunately for most, the general consensus has been that crock pots were meant for comfort foods and hearty winter meals. The truth is that the crock pot should be one of your best loved and most often utilized cooking methods if you can manage it. When it comes to cooking with a crock pot, the options are almost limitless. Almost anything that can be baked can be made in the crock pot and many, many more wonderful and enticing meals and treats as well.

Benefits of Crock Pot Cooking

In addition to the cost benefits mentioned above when it comes to crock pot cooking there are many other benefits that are well worth mentioning. First of all, the bulk of the work involved in crock pot cooking takes place early in the day when you are refreshed rather than at the end of a hectic work or play day. This means that you are less likely to forget an ingredient or make other mistakes that often occur as we hurriedly prepare a dinner when we are exhausted from the activities of our day.

Second, many great crock pot recipes include the vegetables that insure we are getting the nutrients we need. So often, when preparing a meal at the last minute, vegetables and other side dishes are left out in favor of expedience. Crock pot cooking in many instances is a meal in one dish.

Another great reason to use a crock pot for your summertime cooking is the ease of clean up. Unlike pots and pans, most crock pot meals are made in one dish. This means that there will not be mountains of dishes to be either hand washed or loaded into the

dishwasher (or if you are like me—both) afterwards. You can spend less time cleaning just as you spent less time slaving over a hot stove. Oh wait! Make that no time slaving over a hot stove. Once clean up is complete you can get back to enjoying the sun set, chasing the lightening bugs with your little ones, or waiting for the first star.

While there will never be a one size fits all best cooking method, crock pot cooking comes very close. If you have a crock pot collecting dust somewhere in the back of your pantry it is time to get it out, dust if off, and dig up some great summertime crock pot cooking recipes.


Beat-the-Summer-Heat-with-Crock-Pot-Cooking Beat the Summer Heat with Crock Pot Cooking

When the weather outside warms up, the kitchen can be a terrible place to be. There are many things you can do however, when it comes to cooking a nice home made meal that doesn't require traditional stove top or oven cooking. Learn to utilize some of the lesser heat producing equipment in your kitchen, such as the crock pot, in order to truly beat the summer heat and keep your cool while preparing a nice hot meal for friends and family.

So, how does crock pot cooking really help beat the heat? Simply put, the crock pot in and of itself puts off far less heat when cooking than an oven or stove top. This is the first and possibly the best reason to utilize the crock pot in your summer meal planning. You should also consider the fact that by not heating the house by using your stove top or oven you are also preventing your air conditioning (or other cooling methods) from working overtime in order to compensate for the additional heat that other cooking methods introduce.

This makes crock pot cooking a win-win situation as the costs involved in operating a crock pot are far less than the costs involved in operating a stove or oven in general. Whether electric or gas, your stove and oven are often serious energy hogs. Add to that the fact that you are not raising the temperature in your home by traditional means of cooking and you are using even less electricity.

Unfortunately for most, the general consensus has been that crock pots were meant for comfort foods and hearty winter meals. The truth is that the crock pot should be one of your best loved and most often utilized cooking methods if you can manage it. When it comes to cooking with a crock pot, the options are almost limitless. Almost anything that can be baked can be made in the crock pot and many, many more wonderful and enticing meals and treats as well.

Benefits of Crock Pot Cooking

In addition to the cost benefits mentioned above when it comes to crock pot cooking there are many other benefits that are well worth mentioning. First of all, the bulk of the work involved in crock pot cooking takes place early in the day when you are refreshed rather than at the end of a hectic work or play day. This means that you are less likely to forget an ingredient or make other mistakes that often occur as we hurriedly prepare a dinner when we are exhausted from the activities of our day.

Second, many great crock pot recipes include the vegetables that insure we are getting the nutrients we need. So often, when preparing a meal at the last minute, vegetables and other side dishes are left out in favor of expedience. Crock pot cooking in many instances is a meal in one dish.

Another great reason to use a crock pot for your summertime cooking is the ease of clean up. Unlike pots and pans, most crock pot meals are made in one dish. This means that there will not be mountains of dishes to be either hand washed or loaded into the dishwasher (or if you are like me-both) afterwards. You can spend less time cleaning just as you spent less time slaving over a hot stove. Oh wait! Make that no time slaving over a hot stove. Once clean up is complete you can get back to enjoying the sun set, chasing the lightening bugs with your little ones, or waiting for the first star.

While there will never be a one size fits all best cooking method, crock pot cooking comes very close. If you have a crock pot collecting dust somewhere in the back of your pantry it is time to get it out, dust if off, and dig up some great summertime crock pot cooking recipes.


So you want to become a chef?

Some of us are born with a fascination with the art of preparing food, or at least playing with it. There's something magical about mixing up some seemingly incongruous ingredients that looks like a mysterious mess, popping it in the oven and then removing a dish that looks, smells and tastes absolutely wonderful. When you go to a fancy dinner house, it's the chef who is ultimately responsible for the fine looking plate that's set before you. There's a certain mystique about the chef which makes him or her a romantic figure to the aspiring gourmet. If you dream of becoming a chef, let's take a look at what it takes. The professional chef has earned his status through years of dedication and training.

Most chefs do begin the road to professional status at an early age. The four-star chefs you read of in foodie articles have a love of food and ingredients that's difficult for most of us to match. This fascination bordering on obsession is perhaps the most important characteristic. To become a chef of distinction, this is an absolute must.

Another signature of the person who ultimately becomes a chef is an inordinate interest in cookbooks that extends to cuisines around the world. Books on the art and techniques of cooking are consumed like candy. Does this sound familiar? If so, you're on the right track to becoming a chef.

There comes a time when you need to expand your horizons with some professional experience. It's easy enough to get a job in the kitchen of a dinner house, especially when you're a knowledgable foodie. You may start out as the salad chef's assistant. Chefs do have a notorious reputation for being temperamental. They are artists in their own right, you know. So you may take frequent tongue lashings for an improperly placed garnish or some such. If you want to become a chef, this is just part of paying your dues. If you can survive the experience graciously, congratulations. You probably have what it takes to become a chef.

Depending on your location and the restaurant, you may be able to work your way up. However, there's nothing like professional training in a culinary school to hone your skills. A stint at Le Cordon Bleu or the Culinary Institute will enhance your chances to advance, as well as your viable opportunities, exponentially. The training you'll receive is intensive and sometimes grueling, for the finest chefs are absolute perfectionists.

In the end, becoming a chef requires a great passion and respect for food as well as a lot of hard work. However, then you'll be that romantic figure behind the veil, serving your guests the meal they'll be talking about for months to come. Not a bad reward.

Benefits Of Using Cast Iron Cookware

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Cast iron cookware has been used for centuries to cook meals, wash clothes and as wall ornaments in a home. The benefits of using cast iron cookware are truly evident to people who love the outdoors because cast iron cookware holds up well when exposed to all weather elements. Any rust that forms is easily removed and the strong metal surface is often not affected by any type of cooking temperatures.

Most people love cooking with cast iron cookware because of the resilient... Keywords:

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Cast iron cookware has been used for centuries to cook meals, wash clothes and as wall ornaments in a home. The benefits of using cast iron cookware are truly evident to people who love the outdoors because cast iron cookware holds up well when exposed to all weather elements. Any rust that forms is easily removed and the strong metal surface is often not affected by any type of cooking temperatures.

Most people love cooking with cast iron cookware because of the resilient cast iron metal promotes even heat distribution. Some people enjoy cooking with cast iron cookware because it can be used inside the oven and can withstand a variety of heating levels without causing damage to the shape of the cooking pan. Cast iron cookware is also liked because it travels well and can produce many edible items.

The various shapes of cast iron cookware allow people to bake, boil and roast foods without fear that any foods will be over cooked. Cast iron cookware shortens the cooking process and allows cooks to utilize the interior space of an oven more effectively because cast iron cookware sets are manufactured for this purpose.

Many people enjoy cooking cornbread in large cast iron skillets because the corn meal browns evenly on top and on the bottom. There are many styles of corn bread that can be cooked at one time and this is especially helpful if a family prefers to eat wedges of cornbread for an evening meal and sconces for an afternoon snack. The pre-shaped forms for sconces allow cooks to provide elegant morsels for guest at a dinner party.

Cooks truly appreciate the benefits of using cast iron cookware when it is time to clean up after dinner. Even the hardest baked on foods can be easily removed with a limited amount of soaking. Maintaining a smooth interior surface in a cast iron pan can be accomplished with a steel wool pad. Many cooks have learned through years of use that cleaning all surfaces of cast iron cookware will render better results if a consistent circular motion is used on the cooking surface.

Cast iron cookware maintains a pitch black metal surface at all times. Since cast iron is prone to rusting, cooks have found that oil will keep rust from forming. Any type of oil can be used on cast iron cookware and many cooks will choose to store cast iron cookware with a rich layer of oil on it so that it will be ready for use each day. Cast iron cookware is a good value for the money because it will last for many years and many cast iron pieces have been passed on to many generations of families.

Beryl Cook's art - quirky UK artist

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Beryl Cook 's life and her approach to art

beryl cook , artist , UK, beryl cook artist

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Beryl Cook is one of Britain's most talented and amusing artists .Beryl's pictures feature women of all shapes and sizes enjoying themselves .Born between the two world wars, Beryl Cook eventually left Kendrick School in Reading at the age of 15, where she went to secretarial school and then into an insurance office. After moving to London and then Hampton, she eventually married her next door neighbour from Reading, John Cook. He was an officer in the Merchant Navy and after he left the sea in 1956, they bought a pub for a year before John took a job in Southern Rhodesia with a motor company. Beryl bought their young son a box of watercolours, and when showing him how to use it, she decided that she herself quite enjoyed painting. John subsequently bought her a child's painting set for her birthday and it was with this that she produced her first significant work, a half-length portrait of a
dark-skinned lady with a vacant expression and large drooping breasts. It was aptly named 'Hangover' by Beryl's husband and still hangs in their house today.

In 1964 Beryl Cook and her husband returned to the UK settling first in Cornwall and then later in Plymouth where, during the summer months, Beryl ran a boarding house for holidaymakers on the seafront. Beryl had now been painting for a number of years, basing her pictures on her everyday observations of people around her. By 1975 she had amassed numerous paintings that covered the walls of their boarding house. A friend took away a dozen or so and, to Beryl's surprise, managed to sell them all for around £10 each. Beryl was delighted and quickly increased her production. Her success came to the attention of Bernard Samuels at the Plymouth Arts Centre who persuaded her to mount her first exhibition featuring 75 paintings. It was a sell out. The rest, as they say, is history.

An article quickly appeared in the Sunday Times Magazine, followed by exhibitions at the Whitechapel and Portal Galleries in London. Her first book 'The Works' was published in 1978. Her paintings were then reproduced as greeting cards and limited edition prints and soon her work was being featured around the world, tickling ribs from Kingston to the Cape, and generating considerable popular acclaim.

This popular acclaim has been accompanied by serious critical appreciation, most notably with the inclusion of her painting in the fifth Peter Moores exhibition at the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool where she was seen in the context of mainstream contemporary art, alongside Bridges Riley and Victor Passmore. The new Glasgow Museum of Modern Art has also recently purchased some of her original work, ensuring her a place in the annuls of British Art. Beryl Cook continues to paint and has recently moved from Plymouth to Bristol, to be near her family"

Best Home Based Business for Cooks

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You don’t need to be a chef to find a career in cooking.  A best home based business for cooks is a personal chef business.      If you want to cook on a larger scale, another best home based business for cooks is catering.               Using your love of cooking and a little creativity can help you develop a best home based business doing what you love.

work at home, home business, home based business, earn, online business opportunity, start a

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You don’t need to be a chef to find a career in cooking.  A best home based business for cooks is a personal chef business.      If you want to cook on a larger scale, another best home based business for cooks is catering.               Using your love of cooking and a little creativity can help you develop a best home based business doing what you love.

Think about it.  One of the reasons why catering is considered a best home based business is that it is a $5 billion dollar a year industry and continues to have an annual growth rate of 5 percent.    People are always having parties and events that need catering, and if you learn some basic business principles, you can run the best home based business while making great food and putting smiles on faces.

Still, not everyone likes to cook for big groups.  If your idea of the best home based business is to cook small meals for just a couple of people, you may want to consider becoming a personal chef.           You do not need to be an actual chef to run this type of business.       What makes this a best home based business is that it is one of the fastest-growing industries in the U.S.

Whether you choose for your best home based business to be in catering or in being a personal chef, you still need to do some preparation.  You will want to develop your food preparation skills so that you are showing people you have a best home based business.           You can gain experience in the food industry through stints in restaurants, clubs, caterers, or even volunteer work.               You do not need to have years of experience to run a best home based business in cooking, but you can gain some valuable advice.

You will also need to determine what type of services you want to offer when designing your best home based business.                 Know what type of cooking you want to do and if you want to be a personal chef on a regularly scheduled basis.         You will also need to determine a name and gain some financing for your best home based business. Also, don’t forget important items like insurance and kitchen equipment, and making sure you are in compliance with municipal standards.      In order to have the best home based business for cooking, you will also need to make sure you are within the law

There may be a number of things to think about when designing the best home based business for you, but if you have a passion for cooking, being a personal chef or caterer may be the best home based business for you.                 Take the time to make plans and get started on the career you’ve always dreamed of, and cook your way to having the best home based business.

Braising 101

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Braising is a classic technique, which calls for cooking in liquid, and is an ideal way to prepare large and often tough cuts of meat.

Brasing 101

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The results of braising are comforting, healthy dishes that retain the nutrients of the ingredients and require little fat.      For braising, foods are slowly cooked in a relatively small amount of liquid in a covered pot on top of a stove or in an oven. This is closely related to stewing, although with less liquid and bigger pieces of food, usually.

Large saucepans are ideal for braising.  The versatile Dutch oven is my favorite and can be used on top of the stove or in the oven. Contrary to the general rule that healthful foods should be prepared as close to mealtime as possible, braised dishes are often times better when prepared the day before.            This waiting period allows the flavors to meld. In addition, when these dishes are refridgerated, any fat forms on the surface allowing easier removing when reheating.

<b>How to Braise</b>

<li>Start with sturdy cuts of meat and season them well.</li>
<li>Brown on all sides and transfer to a plate.</li>
<li>Add an aromatics, such as onion and celery and cook them according to the recipes instructions.</li>
<li>Return meat to the pan, pour in the liquid, and bring to a boil.</li>
<li>Cover the pan and cook over low heat.</li>

Breadmakers For Easy Baking

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A bread maker is a home appliance that has revolutionized the process of making breads. First manufactured in 1986 in Japan, breadmaker since then moved its way to homes in the United States and United Kingdom. By means of a breadmaker, automatic baking has become possible and more convenient.

As with ordinary baking, ingredients must first be measured according to the recipe. The mixture is then poured into the bread pan that is placed in the machine. The breadmaker will ...

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A bread maker is a home appliance that has revolutionized the process of making breads. First manufactured in 1986 in Japan, breadmaker since then moved its way to homes in the United States and United Kingdom. By means of a breadmaker, automatic baking has become possible and more convenient.

As with ordinary baking, ingredients must first be measured according to the recipe. The mixture is then poured into the bread pan that is placed in the machine. The breadmaker will then take some hours to bake the bread by first turning the mixture into dough and eventually baking it. The process of making dough is helped by a built-in paddle. Once the baking is done and has been allowed to cool down, the bread is then freed from the bread pan. The paddle at the bottom of the loaf should be removed from its place.

Breadmaker breads are much easier to get spoiled as compared with the commercial breads due to the absence of additives. However, it is possible that sourdough starter may be added to the ingredients to prolong the shelf life of the breads.

Breadmakers have built-in timers that may be set for easier baking. Other machines can be programmed to only prepare the dough and not to bake the bread later, in this case the dough is baked in an oven. Breadmakers have other uses as well. They may be set to make jams, pizza bases, wheat-free loaf, cakes, and pasta and in some instances, mochi- a Japanese rice bread.

Considerations in choosing a breadmaker:

-   the over-all capacity of baking loafs
-   the quality of bread produced
-   the duration of time it takes to make one loaf
-   the featured programs
-   type: may either be single loaf breadmaker or multi loaf breadmaker

However, like with normal baking there may arise several problems concerning the quality of the bread produced. These may either be caused by the process of baking or the quality of breadmaker itself.

Doughy loaf

This problem basically concerns the temperature of the breadmaker. The built-in thermometer must read 190 F. Once the baking is over and the loaf is still doughy, you may choose to continue baking it in a conventional oven or wait till the breadmaker cools down and start the whole process over.

Small bread

Lack of liquid added to the dough. The problem starts with the dissolving of the yeast. If too little liquid is used, the yeast may not be stimulated to produce the necessary carbon dioxide, which is instrumental in making the dough rise. Without this, the loaf may become dense and will be much smaller.

Collapsed or flat-topped bread

Collapsing is mainly due to too much addition of liquid to the dough. The yeast in this case is overly stimulated, producing more gluten than the dough may withhold. This leads to the collapsing of loaf structure.

Bread sticking in the breadmaker pan

This can be resolved by brushing the breadmaker pan with oil before adding the water into the dough. This works well in the majority of conventional ovens as well.

Too much rising of the loaf

This problem may be controlled with the use of salt. Adding one half teaspoon of salt may be sufficient to keep the rising of the bread in balance.

One need not be an Einstein to run a simple machine such as the breadmaker. For more instruction and self-help tips, users may check the manual of the machine.

Build A Better Burger® With 16 Ingredients Or Less

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Can you build a better burger with 16 ingredients or less?

Build A Better Burger® With 16 Ingredients Or Less

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Simplicity may be the key to earning $50,000 this year. For the 16th anniversary of Sutter Home Build a Better Burger Contest and Cook-Off®, the search for America's best burger, judges are looking for entries to include a maximum of 16 ingredients.

"In the past, there has been no limit on the number of ingredients," says head judge James McNair. "We're simplifying the contest by paring down the number of items used."

McNair suggests that contestants reinvent their favorite burger with new and different toppings or show off their ethnic background by incorporating traditional ingredients from their country of origin.

From shiitake mushroom ketchup, Cuban pickle salsa and banana duck chutney to tzatziki with feta, Creole honey mustard and chermoula mayonnaise, winning burgers have included a range of exotic flavors from around the world.

So, the question remains, can you build a better burger with 16 ingredients or less? McNair says yes. In the past 15 years, four grand prize winners used 16 ingredients or less to create their unique burgers. Last year's $50,000 winner, Barry Rosenstein of Elmhurst, Ill., used a record 35 ingredients to build his Sweet and Spicy Red Fez Burgers.

"All of the judges were very impressed with the taste and presentation of Barry's burgers, but the length of his recipe was a bit daunting for the average person to re-create," says Jeffrey Starr, culinary director and executive chef for Sutter Home Winery and Build a Better Burger. "For 2006, we want burgers that are creative, yet accessible to everyday cooks."

McNair recommends reading "Build a Better Burger," published by Ten Speed Press last year, to see all of the previous winning recipes through 2004 and get tips on cooking burgers on the grill.

Build a Better Burger accepts entries from May 15, 2006 to August 21, 2006. For complete contest entry rules, visit build or send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Build a Better Burger, Sutter Home Winery, P.O. Box 248, St.
Helena, CA, 94574-0248. Build a Better Burger is not open to residents of California or Utah. Ten finalists will be flown to the Napa Valley to compete in a burger grilling cook-off on September 30, which will be judged by a renowned panel of chefs.

Build a Better Burger is sponsored by Sutter Home Family Vineyards, National Cattlemen's Beef Association, the California Avocado Commission, Colavita Olive Oil, Barbeques Galore, Grey Poupon, Snyder's of Hanover and Kettle Chips.

Napa Valley Basil-Smoked Burgers Makes 6


2/3 cup mayonnaise

2 tablespoons prepared basil pesto


2 pounds ground sirloin 1/4 cup Zinfandel
1/4 cup minced fresh basil 1/4 cup minced red onion
1/4 cup fresh Italian bread crumbs

8 sun-dried tomatoes packed in olive oil, finely chopped

2 teaspoons garlic salt

Vegetable oil, for brushing on the grill rack

8 large fresh basil sprigs, moistened with water

6 large seeded sandwich rolls, split

6 slices Monterey Jack cheese

6 red leaf lettuce leaves

6 (1/4-inch-thick) large tomato slices

6 paper-thin red onion slices, separated into rings

6 fresh basil sprigs

Prepare a medium-hot fire in a charcoal grill with a cover, or preheat a gas grill to medium-high.

Combine the mayonnaise and pesto in a small bowl and mix well. Cover and refrigerate until needed.

To make the patties, combine the sirloin, Zinfandel, basil, onion, bread crumbs, sun-dried tomatoes and garlic salt in a large bowl. Handling the meat as little as possible, mix well. Divide the mixture into 6 equal portions and form them into patties to fit the rolls.

When the grill is ready, brush the rack with vegetable oil. Toss basil sprigs directly onto the fire. Place patties on the rack; cover and cook 5 to 7 minutes on each side. During the last few minutes of cooking, place rolls, cut side down, on the outer edges of the rack to toast lightly. Top each patty with a cheese slice.
Cook 1 minute.

Spread the mayonnaise over the cut sides of the rolls. On each roll bottom, place a lettuce leaf, a patty, a tomato slice, an onion slice and a basil sprig. Add the roll tops and serve.

With 16 ingredients, this burger took the grand prize in 1990.

Busy Day Slow-Cooker Meals

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Fix it and forget it! Start dinner in the moring, go to work, run errands and come home to a piping hot supper. It couldn't be easier with the recipes that use a slow-cooker.

Busy Day Slow-Cooker Meals

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Fix it and forget it! Start dinner in the morning, go to work, run errands and come home to a piping hot supper. It couldn't be easier with the recipes that use a slow-cooker.


2   tablespoons butter

3   pounds lean beef stew meat

6 cups sliced onions

4 cloves garlic, minced

1 cup water

1 tablespoon HERB-OX® beef flavored bouillon granules

1   teaspoon thyme

2   cups dark beer-with or without alcohol

2 tablespoons brown sugar

1   tablespoon Dijon mustard

2   tablespoons cornstarch dissolved in 2 tablespoons water

Heat butter in large skillet and brown beef. Place browned beef in a slow cooker. Add onions and garlic to skillet and brown lightly; place in slow cooker with beef. Add water, beef granules, thyme, beer, brown sugar and mustard to slow cooker. Cover and cook on LOW 5-7 hours. Add cornstarch mixture to stew and continue to cook 20 minutes or until thickened. Serves 8.


6-8 short ribs, about 3 pounds

1 onion, thinly sliced

1   cup water

2   teaspoons HERB-OX® beef flavored bouillon granules

1 cup hickory smoked barbecue sauce

3 tablespoons dark brown sugar

1   tablespoon Dijon mustard

2   tablespoons cornstarch dissolved in small amount of water

In large skillet over medium high heat, brown short ribs on all sides.

Place ribs in a slow cooker. Top with onions. In bowl, combine water, beef granules, barbecue sauce, brown sugar and mustard. Pour sauce over ribs. Cover and cook on LOW 6-7 hours or until tender. Add cornstarch mixture and continue to cook 20 minutes or until sauce thickens. Serves 4 to 6.


1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 3/4-inch pieces
1 cup uncooked wild rice

1 cup shredded carrot 1/2 cup diced onion
1 (103/4-ounce) can cream of chicken & mushroom soup

1   (103/4-ounce) can cream of mushroom soup

2   (4-ounce) cans sliced mushrooms, drained

6 slices HORMEL® Fully Cooked Bacon, crumbled

1 cube HERB-OX® chicken flavored bouillon dissolved in 1 cup boiling water 1/4 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper
In large bowl, combine all ingredients. Place in 3 to 4-quart slow-cooker.

Cover and cook on LOW 6-7 hours or until rice is tender and liquid is absorbed. Serves 6 to 8.


1 (21/2-pound) boneless eye of round beef roast

1 medium onion, thinly sliced

1 (6-ounce) can Italian flavored tomato paste

6 teaspoons HERB-OX® beef flavored bouillon granules 1/2 cup water
12 Kaiser rolls

12 (1-ounce) slices provolone cheese

Place roast in a 31/2-quart slow cooker. Add onion, tomato paste, bouillon granules and water. Cover and cook on HIGH 5-6 hours or until meat is tender. Remove roast from cooker. Using two forks, shred meat. Return meat to cooker, stirring to coat with sauce. Evenly divide meat among Kaiser rolls. Top with cheese. Serves 12.

Barbecued short ribs

Beef and beer stew with onions

With the fast-paced world we live in, things like cooking at home each night and baking are often not part of our schedules. We often turn to take-out and
pre-packaged cookies and cakes instead of taking the time to make those things ourselves. Although cooking and baking, in particular, can seem daunting and time consuming there are many things you can make yourself that are easy and taste delicious too. One baked treat that everyone loves are homemade cookies and with a good butter cookies recipe you can bake a few dozen with just a handful of ingredients.

Many of us remember having these delectable treats around the holidays. For some of us we were even lucky enough to help our mothers or grandmothers bake them. If that was the case you may still have her butter cookies recipe tucked away in a drawer or box. If you don’t, don’t fret as there are many wonderful recipes for butter cookies online and in cookbooks.

The standard recipe regardless of the version you create is the same. You’ll need just a few simple ingredients to get started including butter, sugar and flour. Most of us already have these things in our kitchens. Along with those standards a butter cookies recipe also calls for baking powder, salt and vanilla extract.

Although a plain cookie is always delicious, there are many variations of this particular sweet treat and you are apt to want to try almost every one once you discover how simple they are to make. A popular type of butter cookie that only requires the addition of a fragrant spice and nuts are walnut cinnamon butter cookies. When dipped in a mug of warm tea or coffee, these satisfy every sweet tooth. They also make a wonderful hostess gift when you are invited to a dinner party. Just wrap them up in a nice wicker basket with some pretty tissue and a ribbon.

Chocolate lovers also have their own version of this standard recipe. Why not experiment with a chocolate butter cookies recipe or perhaps stick with the original recipe and add a decadent chocolate frosting to the cookies? Either way, you are going to get your cocoa fix with these cookies.

A really good idea is to make a big batch of the type you most like. They freeze so well and if you devote one afternoon every couple of months to baking butter cookies, you’ll have a supply at hand in case company stops by or for your child’s lunch box. The biggest problem you’ll face is how not to eat them all up yourself – they are that delicious!

There are many traditions that I have in my family and with friendships. My husband and I have enjoyed carrying on some of the traditions that we practiced in the families that we grew up in and we have also established new traditions that we have done within our family. As with most traditions and celebrations many of our rituals involve food.

We are both of German heritage and we both enjoy cooking as well as eating. From the time our children were little we have included them in preparing meals on a day to day basis and we have made special occasions out of preparing foods for our traditional celebrations. One of my fondest memories of helping my mom in the kitchen was making my grandmother’s butter cookies recipe. It was fun making the different shapes out of the rolled out dough and then decorating the cookies once they were baked. Mom would have a variety of sprinkles and different colored frostings for us to use on the sugar cookies.

I have used my grandmother’s butter cookies recipe with my children. They enjoy making these cookies so much that we have increased the occasions that we make them for. My mother would only make the butter cookies recipe once a year at Christmas time. We also make the cut out cookies for Valentines Day, Easter and the fourth of July. The key to any good butter cookies recipe is that the dough has plenty of butter and that you leave it in the refrigerator for several hours and preferably over night. Having cold dough allows for easier rolling without needing to add extra flour, which can produce a dry cookie with little taste. Depending upon the holiday I will use different spices to add to the butter cookies recipe. At Christmas I add cinnamon to the dough and for Easter I add lemon extract. The key is to not worry about the mess and let the kids be as creative as they want to be with decorating. I have found that if I cover their work space with a cheap plastic table cloth the clean up is easy because I simply throw away the plastic when we are done. I also set aside cookies that I want frosted special for serving for parities or to take to various functions.

Now that our children are grown we have started making these special cookies with our grandchildren. It is neat that my grandmother’s butter cookies recipe is now bringing smiles to yet another generation.

Buying And Using A Pressure Cooker

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The pressure cooker has been a common household equipment that almost every kitchen has it. Well, you can’t deny the fact that it makes cooking stews and chunky soups more convenient with the added convenience of tenderizing tough cuts of meat. The pressure cooker offers the advantage of cooking your food at a faster pace since high temperature is trapped inside the pot.

If you have been using your mother’s or worse your grandmother’s hand me down pressure cooker, don’t yo...

Keywords: cooking

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The pressure cooker has been a common household equipment that almost every kitchen has it. Well, you can’t deny the fact that it makes cooking stews and chunky soups more convenient with the added convenience of tenderizing tough cuts of meat. The pressure cooker offers the advantage of cooking your food at a faster pace since high temperature is trapped inside the pot.

If you have been using your mother’s or worse your grandmother’s hand me down pressure cooker, don’t you think it is high time you buy a new one to replace it? Sure, you can’t let go of your old reliable pressure cooker since it brings back good old memories of the dishes you use to prepare in it. But if you need to run it under cold water just to be able to release the pressure and bring down its temperature, I think that you would prefer the convenience that current pressure cookers offer.

When looking for a new pressure cooker, I suggest that you select one with a timer. This is a very important accessory because you don’t want your vegetables to get mushy now do we? The extra minutes may not affect other types of dishes but it can definitely ruin a very delicate meal. It is best also that you choose one that has a quick release option because it takes less time to lower down the temperature and release the pressure, rather than waiting for about 10 to 20 minutes running the pressure cooker under cold water. Other types even come with a detachable pressure regulator.

So once you have decided on your pressure cooker and have bought it, it is important that you handle it properly so that it can be useful for you for many years to come. The first thing that you should do is to read the user’s manual and be familiar with how to use it. After every use, thoroughly wash it. It is best to store it with the lid separated to avoid trapping the smell inside the pot and ready for your next use.

When using a pressure cooker to cook your dishes, it would be more suitable to cut the food into uniform sizes for even cooking. It would help if you would cut those types of food that would cook longer into small pieces while those that would cook at a shorter time in much larger pieces in order that they cook at the same time more or less.

Having a good and reliable pressure cooker definitely offers its advantages for easy cooking in the kitchen. Enjoy cooking.

Cake Decorating Book - Make your cake look more delicious

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Everyone loves to eat cake, which is nicely and perfectly decorated. But due to lack of decorating skill ones wish is not fulfilled up to the maximum level. Now with the help of cake decorating book one can easily decorate the cake and make it look more rich and delicious. These books are specially designed for preparing cakes. They also provide you with additional mouth watering recipes and tips to make your cake more delicious for consumption.

cake decorating book,decorating book,christmas cake,wedding cake,party cake,birthday cake

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Everyone loves to eat cake, which is nicely and perfectly decorated. But due to lack of decorating skill ones wish is not fulfilled up to the maximum level. Now with the help of cake decorating book one can easily decorate the cake and make it look more rich and delicious. These books are specially designed for preparing cakes. They also provide you with additional mouth watering recipes and tips to make your cake more delicious for consumption.

Cake Decorating Book is a perfect choice to decorate the cake. This book provides you essential tips, together with illustrated pictures to decorate your birthday cakes, Christmas cake, wedding cake and party cake. If you want to decorate the cake for any special occasion then you need to purchase a cake decorating book.

Now days you can find huge collection of such books online. This book can help you to decorate your cake in a professional manner. Cake Decorating Books not only help you to decorate your cake but it also helps you to make your cake delicious, which is an added advantage. Cake decorating book, which is offered online, requires no fundamental experience. With the help of cake decorating book you can prepare exclusive decorated pastries or cakes. This book is published in such a way that no one can refrain oneself from making a decorated cake. Each chapter carries new ideas and tips.

It is necessary that one should decorate the cake as it gives a distinct and appealing look that creates the desire to eat it. This cake decorating book is also perfect for beginners, which gives step by step instructions and guidance.

Cake Decorating Ideas For All Occasions

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Decorating cakes, cupcakes or cookies is not only lots of fun, but also very
self-satisfying. You have made something that is appreciated and brings pleasure to family and friends.         Although your creation may last only a few hours before it’s enjoyed by all, the memory of joy and togetherness is something that is never lost.

cake decorating, cake decorator, cooking, baking, recipes, newsletter, cake decorating supplies, cakes, fondant, gumpaste

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You really don’t need a special occasion to decorate a cake, but some events that can be made unforgettable and extra special with a decorated treat are holidays, birthdays, graduations, religious occasions, showers, weddings, and other personal special events.

Here are some cake decorating ideas that will help you make any occasion special: New Year’s Champagne Toast
Bake one 9-in. round and one 9x12-in. rectangle cake.

Cut the round in half. Use one half for the top of the champagne glass.

Cut a 2 or 3-inch long strip for the stem of the glass and a 2 x 4-inch section for the base of the glass. Piece them together to form the champagne glass.      To be sure all the pieces stay together, lightly frost each piece separately before you piece them together.

Place the pieces on a cake board.  Ice the top part (straight edge) of the
half-round cake and the stem and base sections in white icing. Ice the bottom part (rounded edge) of the half-round cake in light yellow or light pink icing to resemble champagne.

Easter Egg Hunt   (So easy kids can do it!)

Bake 6 large muffins. Cool and frost them with green icing. Generously sprinkle green shredded coconut on top of the frosting to resemble grass.        Place colored jelly beans within the coconut so they are half-hidden. Place small bunny toppers on the top of the muffins so they look as if they are finding the jelly beans.

To tint shredded coconut, place coconut in a plastic bag.  Add a few drops of food color.        Knead color into coconut. Dry on waxed paper.

Spooky Halloween Brownies    (Let the kids help!)

Bake your favorite brownies. When cooled, cut into 3-inch circles, using a cookie cutter or a pattern and sharp knife. Place a Halloween stencil (available in most stores) in the center of each brownie. Sprinkle the stencil with confectioner’s (powdered) sugar. Remove the stencil. Edge the top and the bottom of brownie with tip 14 white icing stars.

Shiny Christmas Ornament

Bake a one or two-layer round cake. Ice the cake smooth with white icing. Pipe tip 5

white icing lines across the top at 1-inch intervals. Vary the shapes of the lines, making one straight, one zigzag, one curvy, etc. to resemble decorations on an ornament.           Randomly pipe tip 5 icing  balls and tip 16 stars between the lines also to resemble decorations.


Let Me Call You Sweetheart

Bake a heart-shaped cake and a heart-shaped mini-cake.  Ice the larger cake smooth with pink icing.       Place the mini-cake in the center of the larger cake.  Cover the mini cake in tip 16 red icing stars. Add a tip 14 red icing shell border at the bottom of the mini cake and a tip 16 red icing shell border at the top and the bottom of the large cake. Write your message in pink with tip 3 on the mini-cake.


Rainbow Train

Bake four mini-loaf cakes. (about 3-1/2 x 4-1/2 inches each.)

Ice each one smooth – one with red icing, one with blue icing, one with green icing, and one with          yellow icing. Use the cake iced in red as the engine: Make a smokestack for the engine with 2 large marshmallows. Frost them together with green icing. Attach the marshmallows to the top of engine with a toothpick. Using green icing, attach a piece of white curly ribbon or candy on the top of the smokestack for smoke and attach two white or yellow gum drops to the front of the engine for headlights. With a spatula, place a small mound of yellow icing on top of the yellow car; add small chocolate chips to resemble coal. Place two or three small plastic cars on top of the blue car.    Stick small stick candies, such as licorice pieces on top of the green car to resemble metal parts. Decorate the sides of the cars with various small hard candies for decorations. For wheels: With icing the same color as the car, attach 4 large candy discs, such as peppermint swirls, to the bottom of each car. Connect the cars with one-inch licorice whips or pretzel sticks.

Up!  Up!  And Away

Bake two each: tulip, flower, butterfly and dragonfly cookies (eight  total) and a 9x12-in. rectangle cake. Ice the cookies smooth in various pastel colors with thinned royal icing.                 Decorate the iced butterfly cookie with tip 3 colored icing dots.

Ice the bottom half of the 9x12-in. cake smooth with green icing and the top half smooth with light blue icing to resemble grass and the sky.         Place two small mounds of white icing on the blue half for clouds. Pat down “the clouds” with your fingers dipped in cornstarch. Place the tulip and flower cookies in the “grass” and pipe tip
3 green stems and leaves, if necessary.  Place the one butterfly cookie near the flower cookie and the other butterfly cookie and the dragonfly cookies in the “sky.”
Write your message on the cake with tip 3 white icing. Royal Icing Recipe

2 cups sifted confectioner’s sugar

2   scant tablespoons meringue powder

3   tablespoons water

Beat all the ingredients a low speed until the icing forms peaks. (Makes about 1-1/2 cups)

Camp Cooking And Safety

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Fond childhood memories of camping with our families often bring smiles and a wash of nostalgia in us. Now that you have a family of your own, it’s your turn to let your kids experience great camping time and have their own camping memories to bring home and cherish.

But making a camping trip a great family time is not all about fun and games. It’s not all about great food and great hiking. Sure, you have to bring your family to a nice camping site and create exciting and ...

coleman stoves, camping stoves, gas stoves, propane stoves, dual fuel stoves, coleman camping stoves

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Fond childhood memories of camping with our families often bring smiles and a wash of nostalgia in us. Now that you have a family of your own, it’s your turn to let your kids experience great camping time and have their own camping memories to bring home and cherish.

But making a camping trip a great family time is not all about fun and games. It’s not all about great food and great hiking. Sure, you have to bring your family to a nice camping site and create exciting and wonderful camping activities and games for them, but also one of the most important aspects of camping that you should never overlook is camp safety.

Safety during camping time, including cooking time with your Coleman stoves is one of your responsibilities that you have to take care of during a camping trip. Here are some safety guidelines you can follow to ensure your family of a safe and fun camping vacation.

   Never let children especially very young ones get too near the camping stoves or grills during cooking time. Should they want to assist, they can help prepare the ingredients or make the drinks.

   Educate your family about the “stop, drop and roll” method of putting off a fire on one’s clothing. Orient them about the things to do in case of scenarios where fire is involved. Make sure they know how crucial it is to remain calm to be able to respond better to emergency situations.

   It is best to store flammable liquids only in safety cans and metal containers, a good distance away from your tent, RV or any source of heat or open flame. Make sure you close the cap of the container tightly.

   Refill your stove at a safe distance away from any heat source.

   When pouring flammable liquids, use a funnel to prevent spills. Clean any spill at once.

   Use the recommended fuel for your stove. Do not improvise or use an alternative unless it is specified in the stove manual that it is permissible to use an alternative fuel. Use only what is indicated.

   Should the need for changing a compressed gas cartridge or refilling a liquid fuel container arise, let the stove cool down completely first before doing so.

   Put your Coleman stove on a level surface. If the ground is uneven or if there is snow, what you can do is place it on top of sturdy plywood to keep the stove warm and minimize the risk of it tipping over.

   Check the stove and its parts like hoses and tanks for any damage. Make sure that there are no bent valves, cracks on the hose or uncovered treads because these can cause dangerous leaks.

   It is always a smart idea to keep the fuel tank away from the camping stove.

   Never leave a lit camping stove unattended.

   Dispose empty fuel containers properly.

   Never use your Coleman stove inside your tent.

   Label fuel containers accordingly so as not to mistake it for water bottles.

   Carefully read and follow the instructions for using Coleman stoves.

Incidents of your kid getting a scald from the hot soup or you getting a burn from improperly lighting up the stove will certainly ruin a camping trip. Remember, a good camping memory consists of wonderful family bonding time, great camping site, spectacular views and a sumptuous but safe cooking fiesta.

Camp Cooking Made Easy

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Camp cooking can be as elaborate or simple as you want it to be.  If you want to prepare quick and simple but nutritious meals while you are camping, camp cooking doesn't even have to require a fire.               But if you are interested in fueling your camping trip with a feast, camp cooking can allow you to make hot, healthy foods that are as good as you can make them at home in your own kitchen.

Camp cooking does not have to be limited to sandwiches and baked potatoes wrapped in...

camping supplies,camping, camp cooking, camping gear

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Camp cooking can be as elaborate or simple as you want it to be.  If you want to prepare quick and simple but nutritious meals while you are camping, camp cooking doesn't even have to require a fire.               But if you are interested in fueling your camping trip with a feast, camp cooking can allow you to make hot, healthy foods that are as good as you can make them at home in your own kitchen.

Camp cooking does not have to be limited to sandwiches and baked potatoes wrapped in aluminum foil.  Almost any cooking method you use in the kitchen can be duplicated around the campfire.   For example, use a dutch oven or pit cooking to bake your food.     You can also easily fry foods in a pan over a grill, or boil, braise and roast.       What type of camping cookware is best for you? Camp cooking and clean-up can be easy or a hassle, it all starts with great camping equipment.

Some pots/pans come in sets that mate together or "nest" for storage and even allow you to tuck a canister of fuel inside them. This comes in handy when you're looking to save room while camping.

Following are some camping items to take with you if you are planning on preparing some meals around the campfire.       These common kitchen items will allow you to duplicate tasty meals while you are out of doors.

                   Salt and pepper
                   Other of your favorite herbs and spices
                   Cooking oil
                   Pot holder
                   Hand-held can opener
                   Aluminum foil
                   Tongs and spatula
                   Cutting knives
                   Cutting board
                   Mixing bowl
                   Paper or plastic silverware, plates and cups

If you have just a few campers and are looking for some simple camp cooking, try the easy and quick technique of tin can cooking.      All you will need is a clean tin can a one gallon size can works well.        Your source of heat can be a small campfire, or if wood burning is prohibited, a small buddy burner will work well, which can be found at sporting good stores or online.             Place your meal in the tin can and simply heat the contents of your can over a flame. You will have a hot meal ready in minutes. This technique works great for soups, beans and tuna fish.

A more time-consuming camp cooking technique that also produces tasty meals is pit cooking.          Pit cooking is great for items that can be wrapped in aluminum foil to be cooked.         It is also a great camp cooking method if you are using a dutch oven or cast iron cookware. Pit cooking warms your food by heating rocks and coals that are buried in the ground.  As the rocks cool off, their emitted heat cooks the food.                To pit cook, first dig a hole that is about three times larger than your cookware.
Line the pit with rocks and build a fire in the middle.  Once the fire has burned rapidly for about an hour, push the hot coals and rocks into the center.          Layer your wrapped food or covered skillets on top of the rocks and coals and place more on top.      After a few hours, you will have some delicious camp food to enjoy.

Camp Cooking Supplies Can Be Bought Online

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Bringing the correct camp cooking supplies with you on your next camping trip will enable you to prepare satisfying meals around the campfire.         One of the most sought after and essential camp cooking supplies is the portable grill.   The portable camping grill allows you to prepare campfire favorites such as hamburgers, hot dogs, steaks, as well as fish, which can be your catch of the day.                     The dishes you prepare on a camping grill will pick up the unique smoky flavor that com...

camping, camping supplies, backpack, camping gear

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Bringing the correct camp cooking supplies with you on your next camping trip will enable you to prepare satisfying meals around the campfire.         One of the most sought after and essential camp cooking supplies is the portable grill.   The portable camping grill allows you to prepare campfire favorites such as hamburgers, hot dogs, steaks, as well as fish, which can be your catch of the day.                     The dishes you prepare on a camping grill will pick up the unique smoky flavor that comes with cooking over a fire.

Portable camping grills offer a number of different styles and functions, allowing you to prepare any sort of grill dish you have in mind.         You can choose from propane, gas,               charcoal, or over the campfire grills, depending on what type of heat source you want to use.         Some grills come with leg extensions, compact storage, or no-assembly set up for easy use.     Other grills come with cooking surfaces such as a griddle, allowing you to prepare versatile foods.

A wide range of choices for camp cooking supplies, including portable grills, can be found online.        Web sites allow you to browse camp cooking supplies without leaving your home, easily comparing prices and characteristics.       You can quickly find camp cooking accessories as well as camp cooking essentials such as charcoal, grills, and knife sets.

Barbecue is one of the most popular dishes to prepare while at the campground. Grilling over the campfire gives the barbecue a great flavor.           Other camp cooking supplies you will need besides a portable grill if you will be barbecuing include rib roasting racks, tongs, brushes for covering your barbecue with spices and sauces, skewers, thermometers, injectors, cutting boards and sauce pans.          These accessories, which can also be found for sale online, will help you make the best barbecue feast you can for your family and friends to enjoy.

Some other essential camp cooking supplies you will need to make the tastiest barbecue are spices, sauces, marinades, and rubs.               These barbecue supplies will bring out the unique smoke flavor that comes with cooking at the campfire.            You can use a camp cooking recipe to create your own barbecue sauce or marinade at the campsite or you can prepare it at home in your own kitchen to take with you and be ready to be used.     A wide range of barbecue sauce and marinade recipes can be found, including ones using horseradish, beer, wine, molasses, mustard and chile peppers.
You can also purchase online barbecue sauces, marinades, and spice mixes of all types to achieve the exact barbecue flavor you want.

Camping Cook Ware Comes With Choices

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To prepare campsite meals and feed yourself or family during your camping trip, at least some camping cook ware will be needed.        Camping cook ware that is small in size and portable will make your camp cooking and packing for your trip less complicated.              Backpackers who are camping will especially appreciate compact, portable camping cook ware.           Camping cook ware can range from a simple single pot to a number of skillets and pots in different sizes that nest into each other f...

camping supplies,camping, camp cooking, camping gear

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To prepare campsite meals and feed yourself or family during your camping trip, at least some camping cook ware will be needed.        Camping cook ware that is small in size and portable will make your camp cooking and packing for your trip less complicated.              Backpackers who are camping will especially appreciate compact, portable camping cook ware.           Camping cook ware can range from a simple single pot to a number of skillets and pots in different sizes that nest into each other for easy storage and transportation.

A main choice you will have when shopping for camping cook ware is the type of cook ware material.       Aluminum, cast iron, titanium, and stainless steel are all available and each has their own merits.      Aluminum, titanium and stainless steel cook ware sets will be lighter and easier to tote around.  Aluminum camping cook ware sets may come in non-stick varieties, which will be slightly more expensive.              Metal cook ware sets will all be prone to rusting, so be careful that your cooking pans are dry before you store them.           Cast iron cook ware sets are especially durable, and can last you a lifetime with proper care.       Because they are so sturdy, cast iron cook ware sets will be much heavier and harder to transport than cook ware sets made out of other materials.

Besides pots and pans, utensils and cutlery are other essential pieces of camping cook ware.       Depending on what type of campfire foods you want to prepare, you may be able to get away with just a simple knife and spoon, or you may need a more elaborate utensil set including a spatula, measuring cups, tongs and forks.    Folding utensil sets are available that allow for easy storage.                             If you are worried about storage space, a simple and cost effective solution is to purchase an all-purpose wooden spoon and saw off most of its handle, being careful of splinters from the sawed off end.     Also, look for plastic cutlery sets including forks, spoons, and knives, for another cost saving way to find camping cook ware.

To minimize the need for lots of camping cook ware, there are a few camp cooking strategies you can follow.             For example, much cooking preparation can be done ahead of time in your own kitchen.        Vegetables can be chopped up and sauces can be   prepared and stored in small containers or plastic bags.               This allows you to leave behind the knives, cutting boards, stirring spoons, and other equipment that will take up room and need to be cleaned.         Also, sticking to simple camp cooking recipes will allow you to reduce the number of camping cook ware pieces needed for your meal preparation.     Aluminum foil cooking is a simple and easy method that creates hot, delicious dishes and the only cook ware needed is a roll of foil.


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Camping Trip Tip – Cook Your Meals Is Easy

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Traveling to the great outdoors and communing with nature is a enjoyable way to get out of the city and breathe in the fresh air. While you want a taste of living in nature, a camping trip doesn’t have to mean eating cold food and freezing at night.

Some campsites don’t allow fires so contact the facility ahead of time or check out their website for information. In any case, cooking stoves and heaters designed for the outdoors provide a way of making your camping experienc...

travel, trip, package holidays

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Traveling to the great outdoors and communing with nature is a enjoyable way to get out of the city and breathe in the fresh air. While you want a taste of living in nature, a camping trip doesn’t have to mean eating cold food and freezing at night.

Some campsites don’t allow fires so contact the facility ahead of time or check out their website for information. In any case, cooking stoves and heaters designed for the outdoors provide a way of making your camping experience more enjoyable and comfortable.

Camping stoves come in a variety of sizes and features. Choose one that best suits your needs. If you’ll be hiking with your equipment then select one that is lightweight and small; there are ones especially made for backpacking

If you’re planning on driving to your campsite and have a large family then consider a stove with multiple burners. They allow you to cook bigger and multiple dishes.
There are even stoves that have a grill for making eggs and pancakes.

Special cookware for camping is made so you can make more than one dish at a time. They're stackable so you can cook multiple dishes by using the heat from the bottom pot to heat the top one. You can prepare food more quickly and conserve your fuel. Remember to use the smallest pot or pan possible and as little water for boiling food; it will conserve your fuel.

Camping stoves take various kinds of fuels and it usually depends on the manufacturer. Propane, butane or white gas (commonly referred to as “Coleman” fuel) is commonly used and preferable. Kerosene and unleaded gas is still used but is not preferred since it emits an unpleasant odor and are not as safe. Coleman fuel should be your first choice since it is the safest and burns clean without odor or charring. Propane is pricey and doesn’t burn as hot but it is the cleanest burning fuel.

Fuel canisters come in various sizes and choosing the right size for your needs depends on how much cooking you’ll be doing and for how long you’ll be camping. If you’re hiking with your equipment then stick to a small canister and cook sparingly.

Some campsites provide cooking facilities but it will be more convenient and less burdensome to bring your own cooking source. Planning ahead and bringing a cooking stove will ensure an enjoyable camping trip.

Campus Stress: How Students Can Overcome The Pressure Cooker Of College

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Studies show that college students learn less, and retain less, when they're under stress. With ever-mounting pressure on today's collegians to perform well academically, while signing on to a full slate of activities socially, stress has become a raging campus epidemic. The resulting anxiety can cause students to develop learning deficiencies, miss assignments, cut classes, underachieve, or drop out altogether.

And it hurts everyone: students, parents, faculty members, a...

student stress, college stress, college pressure, student anxiety, school stress, stress relief

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Studies show that college students learn less, and retain less, when they're under stress. With ever-mounting pressure on today's collegians to perform well academically, while signing on to a full slate of activities socially, stress has become a raging campus epidemic. The resulting anxiety can cause students to develop learning deficiencies, miss assignments, cut classes, underachieve, or drop out altogether.

And it hurts everyone: students, parents, faculty members, and universities. To help stressed out campus dwellers get their lives back under control, here are several student-centric stress-reducing strategies, excerpted from my new book "400 Ways to Stop Stress Now...and Forever!"

Work before play.

Leisure is better enjoyed when it follows a period of good hard work. But putting off work to have your fun first is another story. Rather than relieving stress, it can be a source of it. Because now you made a conscious decision to fall behind. And the prospect of neglected work to make up can erode your fun. Don't let others lure you away from your appointed tasks, either. (Dereliction loves company.) Students are especially vulnerable to this. In the work/play cycle the effort should always come first, before the reward. Why make yourself crazy?

Study in shorter, more frequent intervals.

Whether it's schoolwork or a career training program...overnight cramming and marathon study sessions are less productive and the material more easily forgotten. Never let it get to that point. Study as you go along—in shorter, more frequent intervals. It will keep the information fresh in your mind so you won't waste time relearning it. Review sessions will be faster and less tedious—thus, less likely to be put off. And you'll be assured of understanding the material long after the final exam. Which is entirely the point, isn't it? Study as you go. You'll study less...and retain more. Why make yourself crazy?

Don't let others waste your time.

Some people have no stress empathy. They see that you're totally crazed (or do they?), yet needlessly interrupt you, get in your way, engage you in small talk, and otherwise make a nuisance of themselves. These are often people you room with, or are close to, and don't want to offend. Be polite, be diplomatic, but firmly convey the message you're way too busy to schmooze. Seek commiseration: "You won't believe

how swamped I am." Or look at your watch and exclaim: "Yikes! You'll have to excuse me..." If these don't work, simply ask them to help you with your work. That's right. Ask for help. It will usually get rid of them, or even better, they just might pitch in. In any case, use your ingenuity and always have a good evasive tactic at the ready. Why make yourself crazy?

Don't be driven to Internet distraction.

The Web can soak up precious time so insidiously you're often not even aware of it. How easily a simple online task can end up taking an hour or more! Be smart. Devise your plan of attack before going on. And stick with it. Don't be lured away by enticing links or allow yourself to drift about aimlessly. Log on, get what you want and get off. Make the Internet the efficient, timesaving tool it was meant to be, and save your surfing for your leisure hours. Why make yourself crazy?

Do what needs to be done first...first.

This should be automatic, but for many reasons, we’ll put off more important and pressing things to take care of lesser priorities first. Not only does it leave that bigger thing hanging over us, it often deprives us of the time and energy we’ll need to accomplish the important task. Every day, take a few moments to consider what project would make most sense to get out of the way first. Then meet it head on, without becoming sidetracked, without trying to squeeze something else in between.
Then go on to the next most critical...and watch the stress ease away. Why make yourself crazy?

Capt'n Salsa's Fool Proof Chile Heat Index

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Perhaps I can answer a few of your questions about how hot are those chiles and what can you do about it if you get just a little carried away with the heat.

chile heat index, homemade salsa recipe, scoville unit

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Chile heat index? Scoville units, what? Capsaicin? My mouth and hands are on fire, ouch!

Well here I am making some delicious homemade salsa for the Monday Night Football game and my mouth and hands are killing me. How can you stop the burning and get this salsa recipe ready to go without hurting your guests.

Now, don't take Capt'n Salsa the wrong way, I love the heat of a good chile, but there is a big difference between hot and hurt. But oh boy, what a flavor. You know you're a chile head when you use cheese and chopped habanero to stuff your jalapeno peppers.

Perhaps I can answer a few of your questions about how hot are those chiles and what can you do about it if you get just a little carried away with the heat.

What's that? Your mouth and hands are burning? Okay, let's start with the hands…

First wet your hands with cold water, and then rub them briskly together with a teaspoon or so of salt as if you are washing your hands. I prefer kosher salt due to its course texture, but grabbing the salt shaker will work as well. Now, wash your hands again with soap and warm water. This also works well when working with garlic and onions.

You did wear your rubber gloves when you started working with the chiles, right? Come on, Capt'n my mouth is really burning too!
"Your mouth is on fire?"

What ever you do, do not reach for the water; it will only spread the capsaicin oil around inside your mouth, spreading the oil of the chile and you will swear it just go hotter.

So don't reach for the water, okay?

Here are a few remedies that have proven to work.

Milk or dairy products are cooling; grab a glass of milk or a scoop of your favorite ice cream. Did you ever wonder why you almost always see a dollop of sour cream or a helping of "Creama Mexicana Sauce" on your enchiladas and nachos?

Yes, even a "cerveza" can be cooling too, the alcohol will help dissolve the irritating oils as well as "deaden" the pain. Now, wait a minute don't get carried away, you didn't hear me say anything about Tequila Shots.

In addition, a squeeze of lemon or lime will help balance the palate and distract it from the heat. Perhaps my favorite, simply continue to eat the hot salsa that got

Capt_n_Salsa_s_Fool_Proof_Chile_Heat_Index you to the fire dance in the first place.

Yep, it's true.

Eating more hot salsa with your favorite tortilla and chips, "the bread" will naturally soak up and help dilute the capsaicin level and reduce "the pain."

Hey, Capt'n, what's a Scoville Unit?

Walter Scoville, a pharmacist back in 1912 developed the Scoville heat index to measure the impact of peppers on the tongue. He came up with a way to determine how much sugar water it took to cancel the burn you were feeling on your tongue. For example, if a hot chile, like the jalapeno is rated at 5000 Scoville units, that means the capsaicin oil needs 5000 times its volume in sugar water to neutralize it.

Fine and good but what does that really mean to me? If a jalapeno is rated from 3500 to 5000 on the Scoville scale and a habanero is in the range of 350,000 how hot is it?

Capt'n Salsa's Fool Proof Chile Heat Index, coming to the rescue.

Now just so you know, you might think the Capt'n named this very appropriately, "fool proof" but believe me it really works.

Let's get right to it. Be sure and read the paragraph about "My mouth is burning" and plan accordingly. Remember an effective quencher for the burning palate is grab a glass of milk or your favorite bowl of ice cream and have it sitting at arms reach. You should also have a bowl of chips, crackers or a slice of bread handy.

Now, time to do some good old fashion testing. Ready? Do not try this with a habanero!
You will need one jalapeno for this test. Begin by slicing just the tip of the pepper off.

Then ever so gently, I do mean very lightly, "hey it's your tongue" so be very careful, touch the tip of your tongue to the cut edge of the jalapeno. Wow!

Fool Proof! See I told you.

Again I'm telling you not to try this with a habanero, even the mildest habanero will knock my socks off.

Here are a few of Capt'n Salsa's tips for handling hot chiles.

You can build up your heat tolerance for hot chiles by starting with the mild ones then increasing to the hotter varieties in your salsa recipes. Overtime the more often you eat them the more tolerant you will become.

When working with any fresh or dried hot chilies, always wear plastic or rubber gloves when working with them.

Chop or cut green chiles on an impermeable surface like china, glass or metal. Do not use your favorite wood cutting board. The wood will soak up the chile oils and it will pass it along to the next food you chop...Wow; these are the hottest strawberries I have ever had!

Do not cut chiles under running water.

When you process or sauté hot chilies they release plenty of burning vapors into the air. Turning your head or wearing a household dust mask will help.

Be sure to experiment with your homemade salsa recipe ingredients. If you are not certain of the heat level the amount of chiles called for will produce, then by all means start with just a very small amount and add to it a little at a time until you achieve your desired results.

Try different varieties of chiles for unique taste sensations.

Share your homemade salsa creations with your family and friends. You will be really glad you did and so will they.

Capt'n Salsa's Grill Roasted Yard Bird

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Delicious golden brown moist and tender some of the best melt in your mouth grill roasted chicken you will ever eat.

grill roasted chicken

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Wow I have a hankering for some really good grill roasted chicken, the melt in your mouth variety with some fresh homemade salsa slathered right on top. Just seems that we never have time during the lazy days of summer to get everything done. You know, you have to mow the grass, weed the garden and if you're lucky harvest a bounty of fresh produce from your own little truck farm.

Now you expect me to cook supper too? It's time to tell you my secret and go hunting for my favorite "yard bird", Capt'n Salsa's Grill Roasted Yard Bird, to be exact.


Delicious golden brown moist and tender some of the best melt in your mouth grill roasted chicken you will ever eat. Now, don't let the hunting phrase concern you. The extent of hunting chicken for me is looking for a big plump 3½ to 4 pounder at the local grocery or meat market. I always bag my limit of two because it is just as easy to cook two at the same time to guarantee some leftovers…

"Come on, Capt'n Salsa, quit beating around the bushes and just give us the recipe!" Oh, Okay.
Capt'n Salsa's Grill Roasted Yard bird is so easy you will probably laugh. Of course it goes with out saying you need to rinse the chicken in cold water before you cook it. All you are going to need is a generous amount of Lemon Pepper Seasoning. Mix up a solution of 1 part vegetable oil with 4 parts of Apple Cider Vinegar, remember that's the brown vinegar, together in a squirt bottle, an empty syrup bottle will do just fine.

Now we are going to cook our grilled chicken whole on your favorite charcoal or 2 burner gas grill using the "indirect heat" method. Your grill needs a lid that will close, too. Most of the time now I just use the gas grill, heating the grill with both burners, then turn one of them totally off, yes, off and the other burner turn it all the way down to low.

I'm getting a little ahead of myself. Preheat your choice of grills. Then rinse and clean the birds. Now hose down the chicken with the mixture of oil and vinegar using the squirt bottle and sprinkle a generous portion of Lemon Pepper Seasoning all over the chicken. Don't forget the body cavity.

Place the chicken breast side up on the grill away from the heat source, above the burner that is turned off, indirect heat method remember.         Squirt a little more oil and vinegar into the cavity of the chicken until it "overflows. " Now close the lid. You want a low to medium low heat level. The objective is to take at least 2 to 2 ½ hours to cook the chicken, nice and slow. Don't worry after a couple of times you will have it "down to a science" and know what works best for you.

Once you have your chicken on the grill go mow the grass or work in your garden for

the next 2 to 2 ½ hours without even looking at the birds…well, if you insist on looking after about an hour, you can raise the lid and give the birds a good squirt of the oil and vinegar solution…Now, close that lid and get back to work…ggg.

You will know the chicken is done by grabbing the tip of one of the legs with a paper towel, careful it will be hot, and gently twist the leg bone in a circle. If the leg bone easily breaks free at the joint, the chicken is done - a beautiful golden brown, moist and tender every time.

Easy huh?

Place the chicken on the grill, mow the grass and when you are finished with your yard you have Capt'n Salsa's Grill Roasted Chicken make that Yard Bird! Serve it up with one of your favorite homemade salsa recipes.

Roasted Corn Salsa or tasty Salsa de Tomatillos Delicious! Wrap it all up in a warm tortilla, complete with your favorite thirst quenching beverage and you will marvel about how great your yard looks.

Imagine. Mowing the grass and cooking supper all at the same time…Enjoy!

Cast Iron Cookware

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How to Season and Care for Your Cast Iron Cookware

You have a skillet that came from your mom, and before that your grandma, and has now fallen into your hands. So how do you take care of it, use it, clean it, and get the best taste possible from it? I hope to answer some of those questions in this article.

I love my cast iron skillets, passed down from my Mom; I remember her using them to make delicious fried chicken dinners, cornbread to go with our Great Northern bea...

cast iron cookware, sets, cooking, oven, plates

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How to Season and Care for Your Cast Iron Cookware

You have a skillet that came from your mom, and before that your grandma, and has now fallen into your hands. So how do you take care of it, use it, clean it, and get the best taste possible from it? I hope to answer some of those questions in this article.

I love my cast iron skillets, passed down from my Mom; I remember her using them to make delicious fried chicken dinners, cornbread to go with our Great Northern beans and the best popcorn. The only thing I didn’t remember is just what she did to keep those skillets nice. I do remember her drying them slowly on the stove and then coating them with some sort of grease. Now we would use a thin coat of cooking oil or a pan spray.

That is called seasoning and is important in the care and use of cast iron to prevent rust and create a natural non-stick cooking surface. Even if your inherited skillet or Dutch oven has been neglected and rusty, you can restore it by seasoning it again.

The more you use your cast iron the better seasoned it becomes. A black shiny skillet is a well-seasoned utensil and the one that will give the best flavor. Seasoning is done both for the inside and the outside of your cast iron, and even the lid must be seasoned. Here’s a hint to make your cast iron shiny again is to fry bacon and similar fatty meats. It will help it become seasoned faster and give you that shiny black non-stick interior you are working for.

Here are the steps to seasoning your cast iron utensils.

1.   First, wash with hot, soapy water and stiff brush.
2.   Rinse and dry
3.   Apply a thin coat of shortening both inside and out
4.   Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line oven rack with foil to catch drips
5.   Put cookware upside down on the upper rack of your oven and bake for one hour.
6.   Let the cookware cool before taking it out of the oven.
7.   Store it in a cool, dry place and allow air to circulate around it
8.   Never wash in a dishwasher.

After using your cast iron, rinse with hot water and no soap. Dry it thoroughly and coat it with a think coat of cooking oil, shortening or pan spray.

Catalogue Shopping For The Perfect Cookware For Your Kitchen

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Are you in the market for cookware? Are you also a person who maintains a very full schedule -- do you find yourself trying to juggle the demands of work and family?
Have you essentially concluded that you simply do not have time to take up an extra activities, even something which might seem simple on the surface like looking for and finding the perfect cookware for your home kitchen.

If that is the case, all is not lost. There are options available to you that will permi...


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Are you in the market for cookware? Are you also a person who maintains a very full schedule -- do you find yourself trying to juggle the demands of work and family?
Have you essentially concluded that you simply do not have time to take up an extra activities, even something which might seem simple on the surface like looking for and finding the perfect cookware for your home kitchen.

If that is the case, all is not lost. There are options available to you that will permit you to purchase the type of cookware items that will best meet your needs -- and you will not need to unnecessarily overload your own schedule in the process.
One option that you will want to consider in your hunt for cookware when you are living life on a tight schedule is catalogue shopping for cookware for your kitchen.

When it comes to catalogue shopping for cookware, you do have a number of options available to you. For example, if you are interested in high end cookware products for your kitchen and for your home, there are now some wonderful merchants that market their wares through catalogues.

At the other end of the spectrum, if you are a person who wants to save money, if you are living on a more restrictive budget, there are now some excellent companies that sell a wide array of different cookware and kitchenware products via catalogues.

In addition to companies that market their wares exclusively through catalogues, many major retailers in the brick and mortar world now also market their own inventory of products through catalogues.

When shopping through catalogues, most companies now charge only a minimal fee for shipping and handling. Indeed, in some instances, if you purchase over a minimum amount of products, products that cost over a minimum amount of money, the catalogue vendor will charge you nothing additional for shipping and handling. In addition, most catalogue companies also provide you with a toll free number through which you can phone a catalogue merchant and order those cookware products that you desire at no additional charge to you.

Finally, catalogue shopping allows for you to purchase products with a guarantee. In other words, if you receive the product and are not satisfied with what you obtain when you receive the product, you can return the cookware purchased -- the merchant paying the return shipping.

Celebrating A Milestone With Semi-Homemade Chef Sandra Lee

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Remember the smell of freshly baked raisin oatmeal cookies when you were little? Chances are, sitting on the counter while your mother was baking them was a red box with the memorable image of a women in a red bonnet holding a tray of freshly picked grapes.

Celebrating A Milestone With Semi-Homemade Chef Sandra Lee

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Remember the smell of freshly baked raisin oatmeal cookies when you were little? Chances are, sitting on the counter while your mother was baking them was a red box with the memorable image of a woman in a red bonnet holding a tray of freshly picked grapes.

Since 1916, the Sun-Maid girl has been in the hearts and homes of families across the country and she is receiving a digital makeover for her 90th birthday. In honor of the new, more modern look, celebrity chef Sandra Lee, of "Semi-Homemade" fame, has done a contemporary take on the traditional oatmeal cookie recipe and has helpful tips to freshen up any dessert. "I've been baking raisin oatmeal cookies since I was 9 years old and can still remember the delicious smell and taste from my childhood years. That's why I feel honored to put my own unique spin on this timeless and personally treasured classic."

Using Lee's shortcuts and savory secrets, even the busiest person can deliver marvelous meals, scrumptious snacks and decadent desserts in minutes. Some helpful tips from Lee on making your dessert memorable include:

&#8226; Focus on desserts that are big on flavor and low on labor and make sure they go from baking sheet to plate in mere minutes, giving you time to linger with those you love.

&#8226; Incorporating raisins and dried fruit into desserts is a great way to get your children to consume some of their daily required helpings of fruit.

&#8226; Consider measuring out dry ingredients before preparing desserts. Ingredients such as flour, sugar and nuts can be measured and placed in their own separate sandwich bags beforehand, and when you are ready to start cooking all you'll have to do is simply pour them into a bowl and cook. This is a great way to include kids in the kitchen, too.

&#8226; Desserts can be decorative. Place them center stage as an eye-catching edible centerpiece. One idea is to place your raisin oatmeal cookie bars around the rim of a large colorful plate. Place scoops of your guests' favorite ice creams, frozen yogurts and other toppings in the center of the dish, allowing them to create their own scrumptious version of this dessert.

"I remember growing up and baking with my grandmother, who always had Sun-Maid raisins for any occasion from snacking to baking. I do the same today with my nieces and nephews," said Lee. "They love Sun-Maid raisins and I love that they help to make many of my semi-homemade dishes even more delicious."

Try these tempting Spice Raisin Oatmeal Cookie Bars with your family after a fun semi-homemade meal of your own.

Celebrating_A_Milestone_With_Semi-Homemade_Chef_Sandra_Lee Sun-Maid Spice Raisin

Oatmeal Cookie Bars You Will Need: 9x13" baking pan
Cooking spray, butter-flavored Large mixing bowl
Electric mixer Ingredients:
2 large eggs

1/2 cup vegetable oil

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 box (18.25 oz.) spice cake mix 1/2 cup brown sugar
1 cup oats

1   cup Sun-Maid Natural Raisins 1/2 cup pecan pieces (optional)
2   tablespoons to 1/4 cup decorative or coarse sugar (optional) Directions:
1.   PREHEAT oven to 375 degrees. Spray baking pan with cooking spray; set aside.

2.   COMBINE eggs, vegetable oil and vanilla extract in a large mixing bowl. Use an electric mixer to beat on low, until combined.

3.   ADD spice cake mix and brown sugar. Beat on low until dough comes together. (Dough will be dense.)

4.   STIR in oats, raisins and pecans separately.

5.   SPREAD dough into prepared pan.

6.   BAKE for 20-25 minutes.

7.   REMOVE from oven and let cool. Cut into bars to serve.

Optional: Sprinkle desired amount of coarse or decorative sugar over dough mixture for added decoration before baking.

Yield: 24 bars

Oatmeal cookie bars are an easy, healthy and delicious snack.

Celebrity Chef, Winery Blend Best of Both Worlds

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Much like the chicken and the egg conundrum, those with a palate for fine wine and good food often debate whether it is the wine that makes food taste better or the other way around. Either way, one cooking expert is showing that the two actually bring out the best in each other.

Celebrity Chef, Winery Blend Best of Both Worlds

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Much like the chicken and the egg conundrum, those with a palate for fine wine and good food often debate whether it is the wine that makes food taste better or the other way around. Either way, one cooking expert is showing that the two actually bring out the best in each other.

In a new venture with Viansa Winery & Italian Marketplace, celebrity chef Curtis Aikens hopes to enlighten both diners and would-be culinary artisans to the wonders of cooking and eating with wine. A pioneer in "California Italian Nouveau" cuisine, Aikens will be creating signature dishes and food products for the winery. His recipes will appear in Viansa's monthly publication, Tuscan Club Magazine.

Viansa is a destination winery at the entrance to the Sonoma Valley Wine Country. In addition to offering an array of award-winning California varietals, Viansa is the premier producer of Italian varietals in the United States. The winery is marketed by the publicly traded 360 Global Wine Company (

This year, Viansa Winery was rated by the Sonoma radio station KVON 1440 as "The Best Wine Country Experience" in Sonoma.

Aikens' achievements include a number of published books, appearances on "The Oprah Winfrey Show," "Entertainment Tonight" and a regular guest spot on "Good Morning America." He has been a food consultant to the U.S. Open tennis tournament, the New York City Plaza Hotel and the United Nations.

The following recipe is an example of Aikens' culinary creativity. This dish pairs well with Viansa "Pierina" Vernaccia, Arneis or Chardonnay, he says.

(Makes 4 servings)

2 large chicken breasts, sliced in half lengthwise to make four strips
1 1/2 tablespoons Cucina Viansa Roasted Red

Pepper Pesto

1 1/2 tablespoons Cucina Viansa Sun-Dried
Tomato Pesto

1 1/2 tablespoons Cucina Viansa Artichoke Pesto

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Flatten chicken pieces with a mallet or the bottom of an empty wine bottle.

Spread 1 teaspoon of each pesto evenly over each piece of chicken. Roll up the chicken strips and close with toothpicks.

Bake chicken rolls in oven for 10 minutes, then lower temperature to 350 degrees and bake 20 minutes longer. Allow to rest for 5 minutes before slicing into rings to serve.

Cheap Flights From UK To Spain: From The Airport To A Cooking Pot

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The senses come alive in Spain - acutely and accurately. For anyone wanting to sample the sensual flavors of authentic Spanish cooking, Spain is guaranteed to be a paradise of sorts. Picture these: fresh seafood, the most tender and delectable meat, rich spices, and newly picked fruits. Then, add to all that sunshine kissing your face, a cool wind blowing strands of hair off your face, and the lulling sound of waves telling you you're right where you belong. Who could say no ...

cheap flights UK to Spain, cheap flight UK to Spain

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The senses come alive in Spain - acutely and accurately. For anyone wanting to sample the sensual flavors of authentic Spanish cooking, Spain is guaranteed to be a paradise of sorts. Picture these: fresh seafood, the most tender and delectable meat, rich spices, and newly picked fruits. Then, add to all that sunshine kissing your face, a cool wind blowing strands of hair off your face, and the lulling sound of waves telling you you're right where you belong. Who could say no to having such a beautiful dream come true? No one, and cheap flights from UK to Spain now make it easier than ever before for just about anyone to fly from anywhere in the world to the country where flamenco was born.

With airfare as low as £50, cheap flights from UK to Spain depart from at least 25 UK airports, including Birmingham, Cardiff, Bristol, Manchester, and Liverpool. The frequency of departure of cheap flights from UK to Spain assures you a ready seat any day of the week.

The Proof of the Pudding Is in the Eating

Once you get to Spain, unleash the ultimate gastronome in yourself. Spain is a wonderland for the picky eater. Its geographic uniqueness, cultural diversity, and climate variations have yielded a wide array of dishes that are sure to delight any tongue or palate.

Surrounded by an ocean, Spain is a country that maximizes bounty from the sea. A large number of the country's dishes have seafood as the main ingredient. Discover how the haughty Espanola eat when you try calamari, or fried squid, boiled langosta, or lobster, or some fresh prawns or shrimps, also called gambas frescas.

A Richly Assorted Pot

Cheap flights from UK to Spain will not only let you catch glimpses of the running bulls of Pamplona. It will open culinary doors for you. With Jewish and Moorish influence permeating the entire country of Spain, it is no surprise that the heritage from these cultures has been sprinkled onto food as well. Subsequent variations to the preparation only give the dishes more flavor and at the same time, makes them truly and uniquely Spanish.

Typical Spanish Fare

Some of the dishes you shouldn't miss include:

Arroz a la Cubana:  a rice dish cooked with black beans and tomato sauce Cocido:  stew consisting of meat and chickpeas
Lechazo asado:  roasted lamb

Paella:  gold-colored rice with slivers of pork liver and raisins; the golden color of the rice is imparted by saffron, one of the ingredients of the dish.
Chorizo:  spicy sausage
Tortilla de patatas:  simply egg omelet with potatoes To Life, to Wine!
Besides being noted for its cuisine, Spain is also a well-known producer of wines. Take time to sample wines from the at least 40 of the country's known wine regions. In choosing the appropriate wine to accompany your meal, rudimentary of the following terms will be most helpful to you.

Aٌejo: aged
Cepa:  vine or grape name
Bodega:  the winery that manufactured the wine cosecha or vendimia:  the vintage year

Note that all wine regions in Spain have a specialty. You may want to sample fruity white wines from the Northeastern Mediterranean, red wines from the Island of Mallorca, or strong red wines from the Southeast Mediterranean.

Cheap flights from UK to Spain offer you more than an opportunity to travel. It will bring you straight from the airport and into a richly textured and diverse cooking pot.

Chef Career: Let's Get Cooking

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If you find yourself right at home in the kitchen, perhaps a chef career would be right up your alley. When the thought of a chef career comes to mind, it may project thoughts of slaving over a hot, smelly grill, flipping burgers and hearing endless orders shouted through a loud speaker. While that may be the scenario for some chefs, there are actually many different options for this occupation.

chef, culinary, kitchen, career, work, job, business, cook, cooking, uniform, apparel, clothes, clothing, attire, shirt, pants, chef coat, shoes

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If you find yourself right at home in the kitchen, perhaps a chef career would be right up your alley. When the thought of a chef career comes to mind, it may project thoughts of slaving over a hot, smelly grill, flipping burgers and hearing endless orders shouted through a loud speaker. While that may be the scenario for some chefs, there are actually many different options for this occupation.

Cooks for fast food and restaurant chains are always in demand because quick employee turnover is almost guaranteed. Many high school students take on these less-paying jobs solely as a summer gig. Others use the opportunity to bring in income until a more profitable job is found. However, restaurant, fast food and short order cooks are still categorized within the chef career spectrum and having the skill of producing high quality, tasty food is a talent that not everyone has. Everyone has to begin somewhere, and working for one of these kitchens provides cooking experience, looks good on resumes, and can act as a jumping off point for beginning a chef career.

If baking will be your forte in your chef career, perhaps a job at a cafeteria or nursing home would be a good job selection. While fast-food workers are constantly frying up and scooping out the same food products daily at a lickety-split pace, an institution kitchen is a more relaxed atmosphere where a variety of traditional, slightly more healthy dishes are prepared.

For instance, many cafeteria kitchens designate two or three items in which an employee is responsible for preparing and baking daily, such as a cook who makes bread products, one who creates casseroles, and others who hand-bread and roast chicken. Having a set food prep schedule gives a cook or chef the opportunity to ease into their specialty and, over time, perfect their craft.

After a few years of experience, it may be possible to advance to a head chef position at a prestigious eatery, such as a steak house or hotel restaurant. This chef career is a bit more stressful, as you are not only in charge of a kitchen full of employees; you are also required to insure the food going out to the paying customers is first-rate and superlative. A chef career at this high status will pay a higher income because cooking skills must be paramount and management skills proficient.

Possibly the most sought-after chef career is as a personal or private household chef. To be selected as a personal chef because of your impeccable cooking skills, creative dishes and flawless meal presentations is the height of honor for a chef after years of hard work and practice.

If you are considering a chef career, knowing how to cook is not enough. You must perfect your craft and stand out from all the rest who are your competition.

Enrolling in a vocational school which provides cooking instructions or even a specialty college or institution could help mold you into the cooking expert that will send you on your way to the world of chef careers.

Chef John Folse On How To Cook Delicious Shrimp

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Famous Louisiana Chef John Folse is a man with a deep, warm voice. And when he speaks about Louisiana food, there's no doubt where his heart is.

Chef John Folse On How To Cook Delicious Shrimp

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Famous Louisiana Chef John Folse is a man with a deep, warm voice. And when he speaks about Louisiana food, there's no doubt where his heart is.

"Eating in Louisiana is a religion; it's not just about nutrition," Chef Folse says. "It's an in-gathering; it's celebratory; it's a prayer of thanks for all we've been blessed with from the swamp."

John Folse grew up just east of the Atchafalaya Swamp and lost his mother as a young boy. His father raised six boys and two girls as a single parent. One of the things Mr. Folse felt he needed to teach his children was to be good cooks.

And their first lesson was that only the freshest foods yield their true flavors. "He really taught us to refuse anything less than great taste," Chef says.

To serve the freshest foods, you need to know what's in season. "When it's brown shrimp season, you eat brown shrimp. When it's white shrimp season, you eat white shrimp. When it's strawberry season, you eat strawberries," Chef chuckles.

Locals call brown shrimp season Bonne Crevette-translation, good shrimp! The season begins in May and runs until fall. Even during Bonne Crevette, you need to know how to select the very best quality.

Well-taught cooks only purchase whole, in-shell, raw shrimp when they're displayed on a thick bed of fresh ice-not melting-under a cover. The shrimp meats must be firm to the touch, not soft. The shells must be translucent and moist, not dull or dry.

Learning to capture the legendary taste of brown shrimp also means learning a sense of timing. "A lot of people are worried they will undercook shrimp," Chef says, "but the real crime would be to overcook it and boil out all of the flavor and texture."

Follow these tips and your shrimp are sure to yield their true Louisiana flavors.

So, celebrate Bonne Crevette with Chef Folse's Shrimp Scampi. "Try this dish. It's an easy, traditional shrimp recipe. And it's one of my favorites."

Chef explains that although scampi is a term used elsewhere to describe a species of shrimp, in America it refers to an Italian dish. This simple recipe is magnificent when served over pasta, fish or chicken.

For an excellent wine pairing, enjoy Shrimp Scampi with a glass of lovely Alice White Chardonnay.

Chef John Folse's Shrimp Scampi
11/2 pounds (20-25 count) Louisiana shrimp, peeled and deveined 1/2 cup flour

Salt & cracked black pepper to taste Tabasco Pepper Sauce to taste
1/2 cup olive oil

6 cloves garlic, sliced 1/4 cup shallots, chopped
2 tbsp fresh basil

2 tbsp fresh oregano

1/2 cup mushrooms, sliced 1/4 cup parsley, minced 1/2 cup dry white wine
In a mixing bowl, blend flour, salt and peppers. Dust shrimp lightly in seasoned flour and set aside. In a large sauté pan, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add garlic, sauté 1-2 minutes or until edges turn golden. Blend in shrimp, shallots, basil and oregano. Using a slotted spoon, turn shrimp occasionally until pink and curled. Add mushrooms and parsley, then deglaze with white wine. Serves 4.

Chef Training: Your Ticket To Endless Possibilities

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Let’s face it: cooking is not an easy thing. But then, it is not that complicated either. With the right stuff and the right training, you can head off boasting like a chef that knows its craft.

Hence, whenever somebody has taken good cooking knowledge and skills, we would normally call them as chefs. They are, in reality, what the king is to his throne. This means that the chefs are considered to be the highest class of cook with utmost ability and proficiency.

All o...

culinary school,chef training,cooking school

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Let’s face it: cooking is not an easy thing. But then, it is not that complicated either. With the right stuff and the right training, you can head off boasting like a chef that knows its craft.

Hence, whenever somebody has taken good cooking knowledge and skills, we would normally call them as chefs. They are, in reality, what the king is to his throne. This means that the chefs are considered to be the highest class of cook with utmost ability and proficiency.

All of these things are not easily achieved. Before they can be acclaimed as chefs, they have to undergo first a rigid and thorough chef training. There are lots of skills to be learned and lots of things to be known in a chef training. Probably, this is the reason why people have high regard on them because of all the trouble they went through.

The Qualifications

In most instances, you don’t need to be a high school graduate just to get hold of the opportunity in attending chef training programs. Though, you might want to be a high school graduate, at the least, because what you know as a high school graduate can be very handy when attending the chef training already, especially if it involves something about mathematics and the skill on managing a business.

Basically, chef training are sponsored by hotels and restaurants. This is because in most case, restaurants and hotels would rather obtain chefs that had personally undergone with their chef training.

The Concept

When you start out as a short order cook or a fast food cook, do not think that you will never have the chance of advancing to the next level. All you have to do is to take vigorous and rigid chef training so as to acquire the needed skills on the advance level.

With chef training, students are trained in “apprenticeship program” being offered by most professional schools, hotels, and other food and beverage businesses. One of which is the 3-year apprenticeship program managed by the local divisions of the American Culinary Federation.

Likewise, there are hotels and restaurants that offer chef training also. The best thing about it is that you are most likely hired by the same company after you have finished your chef training. Most restaurants and hotel management find these arrangements very feasible since they will no longer have to go to a tedious manner of posting for job applications, screenings, and hiring applicants.

Besides, you would also require your hired chefs to still undergo additional chef training so that they will fit to your standards. That would be a double cost of expenses for you.

The Skills

Generally, chef training are not just any ordinary cooking lessons that one may learn. This refers to the most advanced level of what every cook may achieve.

In chef training, you not only learn more techniques in cooking but you are already trained in the supervisory and managerial level. This is because you are expected to handle a group of cooks once you get hold of the edge in chef training. In fact, you are not only expected to acquire new skills after finishing chef training but you are also expected to manage your own restaurant or hotel as well.

The Endless Possibilities

Indeed, after finishing chef training, the endless possibility of earning a good living is at hand.

In reality, chefs are very in demand these days. With a growing trend in fast food businesses and restaurants, it is no doubt that you can have a proliferating career once you have finished attending chef training. You have the chance and the opportunity to get hired locally or internationally.

Employment growth in chefs are imminent, especially now that the whole populace is constantly growing, therefore, more people will need the chef’s service.

So, for those who want to be a chef or simply those who knows how to cook and wants to know more ways on how to get a good job, it is best that you attend chef training. It doesn’t just gives you the proper knowledge on cooking and advanced cooking but also maximizes your potential in handling your very own cooking business.

Certainly, chef training is your ticket to endless possibilities of living a good life.

Chef Uniforms: Style Made to Order

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Isn't it funny how many chef uniforms in high-class restaurants are white? Even a regular person who wears white shirts or pants has a hard time keeping them spot and stain-free on a normal day. Think about how difficult is it for cooks and bakers, who are constantly leaning over soup bowls and sautéing vegetables, to keep their chef uniforms clean and tidy.

chef, cook, kitchen, apron, culinary, restaurant, chef coat, pants, shirt, uniform, career, apparel, clothes, clothing, hat, linen, towel, knife

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Isn't it funny how many chef uniforms in high-class restaurants are white? Even a regular person who wears white shirts or pants has a hard time keeping them spot and stain-free on a normal day. Think about how difficult is it for cooks and bakers, who are constantly leaning over soup bowls and sautéing vegetables, to keep their chef uniforms clean and tidy.

Whatever the reason for the color choice, the crisp white chef uniform sets apart the food preparers from other restaurant employees and represents a well-respected staff member who has earned a reputable position as a chef.

While the makeup of a chef uniform may project an image of a simple white smock or coat, there are many more color and fabric choices and accessories that could make up their business uniform.

Chef frocks and jackets come in a variety of shades and styles. While most are the traditional white tops with minimal to no color design, others available include red, green and even denim chef uniform shirts. Most are secured by buttons either on one side of the front of the attire or contain two sets, usually sporting black or white colored buttons.

A more relaxed, less high-scale establishment could also possibly distribute collared, polyester or cotton shirts to their employees for chef uniforms. To add spiffiness to a chef uniform, accessorize the garments with neckerchiefs. They are an inexpensive item that spruces up the look of a basic chef uniform, adding color and a bit of flash to otherwise basic gear.

Some kitchens require their cooks to wear simple black or white pants; others opt for a more unique and colorful chef uniform pant, purchasing cotton speckled or graphic-designed comfortable baggy or straight-legged bottoms. Allowing chefs to sport these comfy pants may give a more creative feel among kitchen staff and are certainly more flexible when sprinting from the salad station to the dessert tray. Spills may also be less noticeable in case a chef is asked to make an appearance in the dining area. Adding a full-length or wrap-around waist apron could also act as a guard for unwanted splatter disasters.

Big billowy hats are perhaps the most noticeable and captivating article of a chef uniform. Not only are they fun to look at by restaurant patrons, they serve the purpose of keeping loose hairs secure so that strands don't accidentally fall into the food. Caps are sometimes used as an alternative to chef hats and basically serve the same purpose.

Nothing is worse than a scalded hand when a chef is cooking up a masterpiece. For that reason, oven mitts should be a chef uniform requirement for those handling

metal pans or reaching into baking ovens. There is one more item that should be kept on hand to keep those chef uniforms looking spectacular. Management should keep a bottle of stain remover accessible to remove surface spatters from chef uniforms as to lighten the washing machine's burden. Suggesting employees purchase a bottle for use at home wouldn't be a bad idea either.

chinese-fortune-cookies-04 Ode To Delicious Chinese Fortune Cookies

Ever since I was a little kid, I have loved Chinese fortune cookies. I think it has as much to do with the associations I have with them as with their actual flavor. I used to love going to the Chinese restaurant with my parents. I loved everything about it. I loved the little ornamental lamps and Buddhist statues around the place, I loved the murals with dragons and warriors on them, but most of all I loved the food. I loved everything – cashew chicken, almond boneless chicken, sweet and sour pork – if it was on the Chinese restaurant menu, I would eat it.

Chinese fortune cookies seemed like a perfect end to a perfect evening. There is something so satisfying about them. The Chinese fortune cookie was small enough that, even if you had gorged yourself on dinner, you still would have a little bit of room for it. It wasn't especially delicious, but it was good, and the fortune made it that much better. Your Chinese fortune cookie would never have something bad to say to you. Sometimes, it would be a little bit disappointing, but it would never tell you that, for example, you were going to die. At other times, the fortune cookie messages seemed oddly prescient. At any rate, it was all in good fun, and much tastier than an astrology reading!

What I didn't realize until later was the variety of Chinese fortune cookies that actually existed. As an adult, I have occasionally found Chinese cookies in restaurants to be disappointing. At times they are stale, and at other times they are mediocre at best. Looking around, however, you can easily find a wide variety of alternatives. You can get chocolate dipped fortune cookies, for example. You can get your own personalized fortune cookies printed to give as presents to your friends and family. I have even come across one website that sells giant fortune cookies. It is enough to get even the most jaded and cynical of consumers excited about Chinese food again!

One of my friends showed me a make your own Chinese fortune cookies website, and for my next project I am going to try it. I looked at the recipe, and I was amazed at how easy it is. I had assumed it would be difficult, since somehow you have to bake the cookies and get the fortunes inside. It doesn't look like it is going to be nearly as hard as I had anticipated, and I'm looking forward to serving the results up to some of my good friends.

Choices For Buying, Cooking And Enjoying Fish

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Wild Salmon

There are six species of Pacific salmon - chum, coho, king (chinook), pink, sockeye and steelhead - and all are wild. Wild West coast salmon are harvested commercially in Washington, Oregon, Alaska and much of Canada. Smoked wild salmon is a delicious seafood item. The delicacy is simple to prepare and lends itself to a wide variety of dishes.

Salmon is high in Omega-3 fatty acids which is well known as having health benefits. Studies have shown that smoked ...

fish, seafood, cooking, food, meals, health

Article Body: Wild Salmon

There are six species of Pacific salmon - chum, coho, king (chinook), pink, sockeye and steelhead - and all are wild. Wild West coast salmon are harvested commercially in Washington, Oregon, Alaska and much of Canada. Smoked wild salmon is a delicious seafood item. The delicacy is simple to prepare and lends itself to a wide variety of dishes.

Salmon is high in Omega-3 fatty acids which is well known as having health benefits. Studies have shown that smoked salmon has a very low level of mercury, unlike some other seafood.The Journal of American Medicine Association recently published a report stating that adding salmon at least once a week to your diet will cut the risk of sudden cardiac death in half.


Tuna is consumed in a variety of ways. Tuna is the most well known and available fish in the USA and many other parts of the world due to it's popularity as a canned product. Most of us grew up on tuna salad sandwiches and associate that experience with tuna as a meal.

Readers that have been lucky enough to enjoy fresh caught tuna know that there is quite a difference between a canned tuna salad sandwich and a fresh grilled tuna steak! Tuna is delicious grilled, blackened, or as sushi. Those of us that still love tuna salad can enjoy tuna from the can or use leftover grilled tuna to create a unique and delightful tuna salad with a unique flavor. Smoked fish lovers will be thrilled to know that tuna is excellent when smoked. The finished smoked product makes fish dips, salads or just eaten alone.


Wahoo are beautiful pelagic fish and are excellent table fare. Wahoo live in the open ocean and are common along much of the USA and Caribbean. Wahoo should be rinsed well and then the fillets can be removed from the body. The flanks can then be cut into steaks with the skin on or the entire sections can be skinned before cutting into steaks.Wahoo is delicious grilled, fried or smoked. Fresh wahoo are available in Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Hawaii and other areas.

Mahi Mahi

Mahi Mahi, also known as dorado or dolphin fish are fast growing, pelagic fish. Mahi Mahi are among the most beautiful of all fish. The meat is mostly white with a high content of oil. Mahi Mahi is best grilled or smoked. Fresh Mahi Mahi is available in states such as Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Hawaii and others. Other areas of the country can enjoy this fish as a frozen product or fresh via overnight shipment.

Striped Bass

Cooks have a variety of favorites for cooking rockfish. Whole fillets of school sized fish or steaks of larger fish are delicious fried. Other choices for cooking striped bass include grilling, broiling, fish cakes and more.

For top quality striped bass or "rockfish" as table fare, it's important to take care of the fish prior to cooking. The fish should be chilled on ice and laid out flat until cleaned. Once the fish is home, it can be rinsed thoroughly and filleted. Several cleaning methods exist and each angler learns their favorite style. The fish can be scaled and the skin left on, filleted and then skinned or the skin can be cut around the perimeter of the fish and pulled off with pliers. The skin-on version is nice when baking or grilling smaller fish. Skinning the fish before filleting has some advantages, the most important being speed. Filleting the fish and then cutting the skin off removes the most dark meat and leaves the highest quality portion, although some fish is lost in the process.

Black Sea Bass

Black Sea Bass are excellent table fare. The meat is firm, white and delicious. Sea Bass are superb fried, grilled, baked or broiled. Sea Bass are easily skinned and filleted. Black sea bass are common along the Atlantic coast from New York to North Carolina. They are best fresh. The fish do not freeze well.


Grouper is among the most popular fish in the Southern USA. Grouper is a premium fish harvested from the Gulf of Mexico and southern Atlantic Ocean. While individual species have unique identifiable characteristics, they are commonly described as lean, white flesh fish with a taste and texture which is popular and distinct from many other white fish.


Tilapia have gone from being an obscure fish to one of the most popular fish in many cultures. Tilapia are the second most important group of farm raised fish in the world. Tilapia has been introduced in over 100 countries. Tilapia farming and consumption are rapidly increasing in the US. Tilapia are a good source of protein and is now the fifth most popular seafood consumed in the United States.

Choose Vegetarian Recipes

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Whether you are a seasoned chef or someone who has never put together an edible meal, consider expanding your knowledge of cooking by adding vegetarian recipes. Chefs of great restaurants and moms of hungry families will enjoy having more meals to cook, and the customers and children who eat the food will be happy as well.

Exploring vegetarian recipes is great simply to spice up the kitchen with something new. No cook likes to get bored by preparing the same meals over and...

Keywords: vegetarian recipes

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Whether you are a seasoned chef or someone who has never put together an edible meal, consider expanding your knowledge of cooking by adding vegetarian recipes. Chefs of great restaurants and moms of hungry families will enjoy having more meals to cook, and the customers and children who eat the food will be happy as well.

Exploring vegetarian recipes is great simply to spice up the kitchen with something new. No cook likes to get bored by preparing the same meals over and over. It is always fun to try new ingredients or methods of making the foods you love and it can be just as fun to experiment with vegetarian recipes you have never tried before.

Great vegetarian recipes can be found in many locations. Search online, in cookbooks, or at local health food stores for ideas. If you have friends that have been cooking great dishes try swapping vegetarian recipes with them. Sometimes restaurants will even share vegetarian recipes with their customers for little or no charge.

Stopping into a local health food store is a great way to obtain all of the ingredients and spices you will need to begin cooking vegetarian recipes to perfection. Workers at these stores are often knowledgable resources that you can utilize and learn from.

Incorporating vegetarian recipes into any diet will bring variety and give healthy eating options. Many studies suggest that switching at least some of your weekly diet to vegetarian recipes can be benefical to your health. Let your tastebuds enjoy new things that are good for your body. Vegetarian recipes will often include many of the vitamins, minerals, and sources of nutrition that every body needs. Instead of meat, vegetarian recipes are filled with healthy protein substitutes so that you do not miss out on things you need.

Take a look at your health and at the foods you've been eating. Including a few vegetarian recipes into your diet can quickly improve how you feel and can be part of an overall health plan that will improve your life. Since few things are as important as leading a healthy life, take your time in researching new ways to eat better. Vegetarian recipes are just one of many things that you can consider. And contrary to popular belief, vegetarian recipes are full of the taste and enjoyment of many other foods you eat. The biggest difference is that they are much better for you.

Choosing A Culinary School

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You have made the decision to go to a culinary school. Now what? Culinary school options are many, around the world, even. To choose one, you need to consider several aspects. Think that it doesn’t matter? Around the world there are hundreds of thousands of people looking to be the next big chef. One of the first deciding factors on who you are as a chef is the culinary school that you attend. On that note, let us help you to find some answers to your questions about finding ...

Culinary school

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You have made the decision to go to a culinary school. Now what? Culinary school options are many, around the world, even. To choose one, you need to consider several aspects. Think that it doesn’t matter? Around the world there are hundreds of thousands of people looking to be the next big chef. One of the first deciding factors on who you are as a chef is the culinary school that you attend. On that note, let us help you to find some answers to your questions about finding the best culinary school for you.

   Your first step is to decide in what area you will specialize. Bakery, gourmet, and everything in between are your options. Not sure yet? Then, look for a culinary school that can provide you with a basic learning of many aspects of cooking. This will lead to a foundation of love in one or more eventually.

   Use the web as a tool. You have heard it before, but most culinary schools now have the ability to provide details about their school, including why you should choose them, on their websites. This is an excellent way for you to learn more about the schools on a preliminary plane.

   Venture into the arena of scholarships. Look at culinary schools that are abroad. Understand the various schools of thought that are presented in each culinary school. Ask questions and get answers.

   Visit the culinary schools that are known for their excellent students. Find out where students who have graduated from that school have gone and done with their lives. Observe a class. Tour the campus.

   Of course, one of the largest concerns that people have when it comes to culinary school choice is the cost. These schools are not cheap by any means, but the education you get will last you a lifetime. It is wise to consider quality well over price as much as you can. And, make sure to look into financial planning and financial aid.

Choosing a culinary school that feels right is important. Get all aspects of the decision just right and you can find yourself on your way to earning a culinary school degree in no time.

Choosing A Quality Cookware Set

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The role of a good cook ware in the preparation of a sumptuous meal cannot be overemphasized. When one consider purchasing a good cookware the first point that comes to the mind is the budget. Buying a standard cookware within one’s budget and at the same time obtaining all the pieces and features one has in mind is no simple task. If you belong to the category of people who take cooking a bit seriously you need spend some more time to look into the various aspects of a good ...


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The role of a good cook ware in the preparation of a sumptuous meal cannot be overemphasized. When one consider purchasing a good cookware the first point that comes to the mind is the budget. Buying a standard cookware within one’s budget and at the same time obtaining all the pieces and features one has in mind is no simple task. If you belong to the category of people who take cooking a bit seriously you need spend some more time to look into the various aspects of a good cookware from the material from which it is made, to the number of pieces, features and the quality.

The first factor to be considered is the material in which the cookware is made. The first option is the stainless steel that is most popular, durable and convenient. It is also the most popular cookware material in North America being highly resistant against wear and tear and at the same time less expensive. It is also subject to criticism as the metals like iron, nickel, and chromium used in this alloy is said to create health hazards.

The other option for the home maker is the ceramic pottery, enamel or glass cookware. All these materials can be easily cleaned and are also heat resistant. The latest addition to this category is the plastic ware used for both cooking and storing. It has the advantage of being light weight, unbreakable and also being used in Micro wave ovens where other metals are not suitable. Cast iron cookware is normally pre coated with unsalted fat and heated to avoid rusting in the absence of porcelain coating.

The stainless cookware is to be washed in soapy water or warm ammonia with water solution. The cookware is to be rinsed and dried to obviate water spots in the cookware. Never one need use chlorine or alcohol instead only some mild cleaners. The copper cookware are to be cleaned by a commercial cleaner or a home made mixture of salt, flour citric acid, and ammonia if applied before washing would also serve the purpose. While copper cookware is highly expensive the stainless cookware with copper bottom is lesser costly. The copper bottom cookware does not spread the heat evenly and the bottom of the food gets heated faster and there are chances that the food at the bottom may get burned.

One need to buy a cookware that is less expensive, durable, and that distribute the heat evenly. Cooking pans with hot spots cooks at various speed at different spots and make cooking most unpleasant... The cookware made of cast iron, copper and aluminum may result in the food cooked to absorb the metal taste and sometimes even the metal content to get transferred to food. The fact remaining so, copper bowls are immensely useful in beating egg whites. Though aluminum is the least expensive it may cause reaction with certain type of food. If one chooses the Aluminum cookware the anodized is the best choice.

One need to remember that no cookware can be considered as the perfect and the most suitable for cooking on all occasions or for cooking of all types of foods. The ideal cookware depends on your budget, your cooking preferences and the food habits. However cookware made of stainless steel could be recommended as an ideal choice considering its price, economic life, easy cleaning, and less or no reaction with the food. No wonder it is also the most popular and sought after cookware in North America.

Choosing The Perfect Charcoal Grill

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Everyone loves good, old fashioned charcoal grilling. Aside from being cheaper than other grilling methods, it adds a raw, distinctive taste to your sausages, burgers, ribs, and other grilled items. Some people prefer charcoal grills over gas grills because they are easier to transport and are safer to use than gas. While there are differences in opinion and preference among grillers, it still remains that charcoal grills are here to stay. So be it an picnic, or an outdoor gr...

weber charcoal grill,portable charcoal grill,gas charcoal grill,how to light a charcoal grill,charcoal grill parts

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Everyone loves good, old fashioned charcoal grilling. Aside from being cheaper than other grilling methods, it adds a raw, distinctive taste to your sausages, burgers, ribs, and other grilled items. Some people prefer charcoal grills over gas grills because they are easier to transport and are safer to use than gas. While there are differences in opinion and preference among grillers, it still remains that charcoal grills are here to stay. So be it an picnic, or an outdoor grill, charcoal grills will more that make up their worth in usefulness and reliability. When choosing charcoal grills, however, it pays to know what your needs are and to know the pros and cons of having such a grill over the other available grills around.

1.   Cooking Space

First of all, you have to determine how much space you need for grilling. If you are grilling for a small family of three, you will do well enough with a 75 square-inch grill. You will have to consider larger grills if you are cooking for more people.
It doesn’t make sense if you bring a puny sub-75 inch grill to a large picnic. Remember that the size of your grill increases the amount of items you can grill exponentially. Just looking at the grill won’t give you a clear idea on how big the grilling area is. Some grills have a warming rack that increases the perceived size of your grill.

2.   Portability

-   Get grills that have wheels
-   Try choosing grills whose parts are ergonomic and efficient
-   Lessen the risk of damaging your grill when transporting
-   Your grill also has to withstand the rigors of outdoor use
-   It does not pay to purchase a flimsy looking grill - go for those that are durable and lasting

3.   Convenience

Some charcoal grills come with their own igniters. Try choosing grills that have this option. Other grills need lighter fluid to fire up. With the built-in igniter, you will not need lighter fluid anymore. On the other hand, you may want to avoid lighter fluid altogether. Some people dislike the taste and smell this fluid adds to the grill. If you must, use alcohol instead. It burns odorless and does not ruin the flavor of your food. Choose grills that allow you to easily access the ash pan. This makes cleaning the grill a lot easier. It also lessens the amount of ash flakes that may settle in your food. Also, lids are a very important part of the grill. Choose a grill that has a lid to keep the heat trapped within the grill. This allows for faster and smokeless grilling.

4.   Quality

The materials used in making the grill are also very important. Some grills are made of material that easily corrodes or does not stand up well against the elements.
Stainless steel grills hold up remarkably well to both the weather and the heat of the grill. Try avoiding painted grills as the paint may easily flake of. Although lightweight, durable materials are hard to come by among grills, you would do best to look for such. Remember, though, that first and foremost, the most important built characteristic you are looking for in a grill is durability.

Chop Till You Drop

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You use it everyday in the Kitchen. If not looked after, it can make you sick – And yet you probably never give it a second thought.....

The Chopping Board.....

chopping board,cutting board,knife,cutting,food,re

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You use it everyday in the Kitchen. If not looked after it can make you sick – And yet you probably never give it a second thought.

The Chopping Board is a large board you use in the kitchen for chopping, cutting and preparing food on.

When purchasing a new board, there are heaps of options to choose from – timber, glass, marble, plastic. And it can be a confusing choice.

Glass and Marble type cutting boards may look good but they play havoc on your knives. The hard surface will quickly blunt your knife and damage it’s edge.

So, keep your glass and marble boards for serving food only.

When it comes to wooden and plastic boards, even the experts are divided as to which is best. It comes down to personal preference. And mine is…. wooden.

Wooden boards are generally heavier and less inclined to slip. They are also more attractive and can be used to serve food at the table.

Where as plastic boards are lighter, come in various colors and are dishwasher safe.

Whichever type you choose, it is imperative you clean it well. Harmful bacteria can breed on your board and cause dreadful food poisoning.

So   be sure to scrub your board well after each use, with hot water and detergent. Then allow it to stand and drip dry. Your board should be completely dry before using again.

It’s a good idea to have more than one board, to avoid cross contamination. Have one for raw meat and one for other foods.

Or take it to the extreme and do what the professionals do.  Use 5 different colored boards:-

Red – Raw Meats Yellow – Poultry Blue – Seafood
Green – Fruit and Vegetables White – General

So, if you board is starting to look a bit worse for wear, then it is probably time for a new one. And now you will be well informed to choose the right one for you.

Happy Cooking

Lisa "The Crock Cook"

Christmas Cookie Recipe: Chocolatey Church Windows

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When it comes to the holiday season, there are just certain things we can’t live without. Or at least, there are certain things we think we can’t live without. One of those items for me is a family Christmas cookie recipe that has been handed down for at least three generations. It’s called Church Windows.

Now, this nifty little cookie gets its name because it resembles a stained glass “church” window. The chocolate will form the frame and the marshmallows are the colored ...

christmas cookies, christmas recipes, cookie recipes, cookie, christmas

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When it comes to the holiday season, there are just certain things we can’t live without. Or at least, there are certain things we think we can’t live without. One of those items for me is a family Christmas cookie recipe that has been handed down for at least three generations. It’s called Church Windows.

Now, this nifty little cookie gets its name because it resembles a stained glass “church” window. The chocolate will form the frame and the marshmallows are the colored “glass” inside. Take my word for it, because if you see a plate of these cookies go by, grab one. I’ve never seen anyone sit and study the design, only devour the cookie.

Even though this cookie doesn’t have any decoration on it that resembles Christmas, like a tree or Santa Claus, it is only made near the holidays. Why? I’ll never know, nor will I ever make it during a “non-holiday” time of year! Family tradition says so!

So, what makes this little cookie so great, you ask. First, it is simple to make. The kids can play a large role in making them, however they need supervision since it involves use of the stove. Second, they are very colorful and brighten up any holiday dessert table. Last, they have chocolate in them! What else needs to be said? Without further ado, here is the recipe for Church Windows.

Church Windows

1 package semi-sweet chocolate chips (milk chocolate won’t work, I’ve tried)
1 stick margarine (NOT butter)
½ c walnuts, optional

1   10 oz bag of colored marshmallows
2   c coconut Wax paper

In a large saucepan, melt the margarine and the chocolate chips over medium heat. Stir often and watch closely so the chocolate does not scorch. When the mixture is completely smooth, set aside to cool slightly, for about five to ten minutes.

While you are waiting, prepare the wax paper. Tear off two sheets that are both approximately 18” in length. Lay on a flat surface. Cover each sheet evenly with 1 cup of the coconut.

When the chocolate mixture is slightly cooled, stir in the walnuts and the

marshmallows just until coated. Stirring too long will make the marshmallows melt (and that’s bad!)

Pour half of the mixture on the prepared wax paper lengthwise, in order to form a log. Pour the second half on the second sheet of wax paper. Using the extra coconut on the wax paper, cover the top of the chocolate mixture. The coconut will prevent the wax paper from sticking in the future. Take one side and roll over the mix, and keep rolling to form a log. Shape it so it makes a nice circle. Twist the edges so they are secure and to keep coconut from escaping! Immediately place in the fridge or freezer until they harden, at least 6 hours. When hardened, slice off ½ to 1” thick slices.

Church Windows can be stored in the refrigerator or the freezer one month. Keep in an air-tight container or bag to keep it from drying out.

Clams A La Du Chef

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Are you a seafood lover well if you are here is something different, this recipe will tantalize your taste buds and make you scream for more, this is a great appetizer as well as a wonderful dinner...

clams,seafood,recipe,seafood rcipe,baked clams,baked clam recipe,

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Are you a seafood lover well if you are here is something different, this recipe will tantalize your taste buds and make you scream for more, this is a great appetizer as well as a wonderful dinner, in this recipe you must use your judgment and use as much of a particular ingredient that you like or as little of each that you don’t like but you will find that by adding all the ingredients gives a nice balance to this dish.
Am I making you hungry? Well I hope so, now do stay with me because I can show people how to do things better than I can tell you. Ok were off.

Open 12 raw clams to be on the half shell and do take the time to check for pieces of shell in the clam, loosen the calm from the bottom part of the shell.

Herb Butter for clams: Butter
Mince some watercress, parsley, shallots, anchovies, almonds, just a bit of garlic Add some Pernod wine, Anisette, and a few drops of tobasco sauce
Mix the above ingredients together.

Place some of the herb butter mixture on each of the clams then place a ¼ slice of imported swiss cheese on the top of each clam, if you like more cheese then just add it, place the clams under the broiler until the cheese is bubblie and brown. Now it’s up to you to enjoy it.

Remember you can us as much or as little of the ingredients that you like because your making this to your taste, but personally I like the wines. “enjoy”

Classy, Convenient Cooking for Two

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When you want to serve a quick-and-easy meal for just the two of you, count on eggs. Handily portioned by nature, eggs are conveniently packaged for quick-and-easy meals for one or two. Plus, eggs are one of the most versatile of all foods. You can fry, scramble, poach or bake them or cook them in the shell. You can also turn eggs into omelets or a frittata, quiche or strata.

Classy, Convenient Cooking for Two

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When you want to serve a quick-and-easy meal for just the two of you, count on eggs. Handily portioned by nature, eggs are conveniently packaged for quick-and-easy meals for one or two. Plus, eggs are one of the most versatile of all foods. You can fry, scramble, poach or bake them or cook them in the shell. You can also turn eggs into omelets or a frittata, quiche or strata.

French toast is yet another option -; a special but very economical option. In the Cajun areas of Louisiana, French toast is called pain perdu, lost bread. Long ago, thrifty cooks discovered they could rescue day-old (or older) bread which otherwise would have been wasted by soaking it in a mixture of eggs and milk before cooking it. When it's dressed up with a topping, though, who would ever guess that French toast had such a practical origin?

Although many folks consider French toast a breakfast food, you can serve this popular dish for any time of the day. For a classy meal, you can even split the toast slices, stuff them with cheese and serve them up with sugared strawberries.

Does French toast make a good meal? Sure. Following, the bread is in the grain group and the eggs are a meat alternate. In Superb Stuffed French Toast, you get added calcium from the cheese stuffing and vitamin C from the strawberries on top. For the fiber it contains, this recipe calls for whole wheat bread, but you can use any type of bread you like. You can also use a different flavoring in place of the vanilla, such as almond, lemon or orange.

Superb Stuffed French Toast

2 servings

1/2 cup sliced fresh strawberries (about 4 ounces)

2 teaspoons sugar, divided

1/3 cup part-skim ricotta cheese 3/4 teaspoon vanilla, divided
2 (1-inch) or 4 thin slices whole wheat bread

2 eggs
2 tablespoons skim or low-fat (1%) milk Cooking spray

In medium bowl, stir together strawberries and 1 teaspoon of the sugar. Set aside. In small bowl, stir together ricotta, 1/2 teaspoon of the vanilla and remaining 1 teaspoon sugar until thoroughly blended. Make pocket in each 1-inch bread slice by cutting from top to within 1/2 inch of bottom. Fill each pocket with 2 tablespoons of the ricotta mixture. Or, spread 2 tablespoons of the ricotta mixture onto each of
2 thin slices of bread and place remaining bread on top to make 2 sandwiches.

In small bowl, beat together eggs, milk and remaining 1/4 teaspoon vanilla until well blended. Pour into 9 x 9 x 2-inch baking pan. Place filled bread slices in egg mixture. Soak bread, letting stand about 3 to 4 minutes on each side, until egg mixture is absorbed. Evenly coat baking sheet with spray. Place soaked bread on baking sheet.

Bake in preheated 375 degree F oven 10 minutes. Turn slices. Continue baking until puffed and golden brown, about 10 minutes. To serve, top each bread slice with 1 tablespoon of the remaining ricotta mixture and 1/4 cup of the reserved strawberries.

Nutrition information per serving of 1/2 recipe using 4 thin slices whole wheat bread and skim milk: 328 calories, 12 gm total fat, 227 mg cholesterol, 428 mg sodium, 383 mg potassium, 38 gm carbohydrate, 18 gm protein and 10% or more of the RDI for vitamins A, B12 and C, niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc.

Cleaning Trout - How To Clean a Trout Fish

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It is really pretty easy. A little practice and you will soon be cleaning trout with ease. For this step, you will need a fish-board with a clip to hold the tail or you can hold the tail with your hand. You will also need a fish scaler or use the unsharpened side of a good sturdy knife (short blade is best).

cleaning trout, clean a trout, trout cleaning

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Cleaning trout. Does that bring back memories! I think I was about 9 years old when I first learned how to clean trout. It is really pretty easy. A little practice and you will soon be cleaning trout with ease. If at all possible, use clean, running water to rinse the trout as you clean.

Scaling the trout.

For this step, you will need a fish-board with a clip to hold the tail or you can hold the tail with your hand. You will also need a fish scaler or use the unsharpened side of a good sturdy knife (short blade is best). With the trout held firmly by the tail, scrape very firmly from the tail to the gills several times on both sides. This will remove the scales so you don’t have to deal with them later. No one wants to find them in a bite of grilled fish!

Gutting the trout.

To properly gut the trout without tearing into the stomach or intestines, you will need a sharp, short bladed knife. The short blade gives you better control. The first cut you want to make is just at gill level from the belly side. This results in a cut between the jawbone and the tongue. Do not cut through the spine. Next, place 1 or 2 fingers inside the trout’s mouth with the palm of your hand pressed firmly on the top of its head and your thumb in the gill to hold it solid. Then, carefully, begin to slit the trout’s belly starting at the anus and working your way up to the cut under the gills. You need to be careful not to cut into the guts themselves, as this will foul the flesh, making it inedible. Keep your knife just under the skin. To pull the guts out, hold the trout firmly with your thumb under the jaw and your index finger in the mouth. Then get a firm grip on the guts and pull them out. All that is left to do is to scrape your thumb along the spine in the gut cavity to clean out the bloodline.

To behead or not to behead.

This last step can be a matter of personal preference. Removing the head of the trout. Some people like it left on, but, personally, I don’t like my food looking back at me.
To do this, you need a good sturdy knife. The same one you used to cut the belly open will work. Just be sure to rinse it good first. To cut the head off, grasp the trout firmly in the middle with your thumb in the gut cavity and the rest of your hand wrapped around it. Hold the trout so that the head is pushed down on your cutting surface. With your knife, make a firm slicing motion through the spine at gill level, preferablywith the gut cavity up. Once this is complete, rinse the trout and you are ready to proceed with the rest of your trout cleaning.

Of course, you could use my favorite method to clean a trout. Filet it!

Collectible Cookie Jars As A Home Based Business

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I doubt there are any kids out there in this world, who do no like eating cookies. Dunking cookies in milk is synonymous with snacking and children. During my childhood, some fifty or so years ago, cookies meant the heavenly things that grandma used to bake every afternoon. Today, when time is of paramount importance, cookies are usually found in grocery stores, ready to eat.

Collectible Cookie Jars Today

During my days, cookies were baked and if any were left (which wa...

collectible clock,collectible auction.collectible cookie jars,baseball collectible,

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I doubt there are any kids out there in this world, who do no like eating cookies. Dunking cookies in milk is synonymous with snacking and children. During my childhood, some fifty or so years ago, cookies meant the heavenly things that grandma used to bake every afternoon. Today, when time is of paramount importance, cookies are usually found in grocery stores, ready to eat.

Collectible Cookie Jars Today

During my days, cookies were baked and if any were left (which was extremely rare) were stored in beautiful large, transparent, glass cookie jars. After my grandmother’s demise, the cookie jars almost disappeared from our kitchen shelves. What replaced them were ready-made cookie jars of all shapes and sizes. One day, when my mother was doing her spring-cleaning of the kitchen, we put together some 50-cookie jars of all shapes and sizes, which had been collected inadvertently over the last several years.

The pile of these jars was meant to be sent for recycling; instead, they became my collection of collectible cookie jars. Instantly I had a ready-made collection of 50 plus collectible cookie jars which made me feel very happy. After this incident, wherever I would see a cookie jar, I would ask for it to be part of my collection.
Very soon, my friends and relatives were contributing on an average of two to five cookie jars per month.

In this way, my collection overgrew the space I had for it in my room, and my dad offered to make a display case for my collectible cookie jars in the garage, to which I happily agreed. By the end of the year, the display case was holding 387 collectible cookie jars of all shapes, sizes and material. I had plastic, metal, tin, wood, cardboard and paper cookie jars – and the display was awesome.

My fame spread through my school and the neighborhood and soon enough I had people coming to see my collection and admire it. One day, a friend of mine wanted a gift box for a birthday party – she thought that one of my collectible cookie jars would make a wonderful packing for her gift. She paid me $3 for a round, lovely metal box. In no time, I had people buying jars from me for all occasions.

In this manner, I was making an average of $100 per week with the sale of my cookie jars, which gave me an idea – why not start a small gift box unit and make
custom-made gift boxes? With a little help and investment, I put together a tiny unit for this purpose and in six months, I was earning real money. This is how my hobby turned into a money-spinner. Isn’t it great how things work out?

Cook_Eggs Don_t_Boil
Cook Eggs, Don't Boil

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Chopped, sliced or wedged, hard-cooked eggs are the basis of egg salad and add protein and a happy glow to tossed and composed salads and casseroles. Chopped yolks and whites comprise Eggs Goldenrod and Polonaise Sauce.

Cook Eggs, Don't Boil

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Chopped, sliced or wedged, hard-cooked eggs are the basis of egg salad and add protein and a happy glow to tossed and composed salads and casseroles. Chopped yolks and whites comprise Eggs Goldenrod and Polonaise Sauce. Whole hard-cooked eggs become comforting, familiar deviled eggs or zingy, newly rediscovered pickled eggs. Simply sprinkled with an herb or more fancily coated in sausage for Scotch eggs, hard-cooked eggs are nature's own hand-held snack food. With a supply of hard-cooked eggs on hand, you're ready for almost any meal occasion.

Hard-cooked eggs are often incorrectly called hard-boiled eggs. Yes, the cooking water must come to a boil. But, you'll get more tender, less rubbery eggs without a green ring around the yolk and you'll have less breakage if you turn off the heat or remove the pan from the burner, allowing the eggs to cook gently in hot water.

Very fresh eggs may be difficult to peel. The fresher the eggs, the more the shell membranes cling tenaciously to the shells. The simplest method for easy peeling is to buy and refrigerate eggs a week to 10 days in advance of hard cooking. This brief "breather" allows the eggs to take in air which helps separate the membranes from the shell.

1.   Place eggs in single layer in saucepan. Add enough tap water to come at least 1 inch above eggs.

2.   Cover. Quickly bring just to boiling. Turn off heat.

3.   If necessary, remove pan from burner to prevent further boiling. Let eggs stand, covered, in the hot water about 15 minutes for Large eggs (12 minutes for Medium, 18 for Extra Large.)

4.   Immediately run cold water over eggs or place them in ice water (not standing water) until completely cooled. Once cooled, refrigerate eggs in their shells and use within one week of cooking or peel and use immediately.

5.   To remove shell, crackle it by tapping gently until a fine network of lines appears all over the shell.

6.   Roll egg between hands to loosen shell.

7.   Peel, starting at large end. Hold egg under running cold water or dip in bowl of water to help ease off shell.

8.   To segment eggs evenly, use an egg slicer or wedger. For chopped eggs, rotate a sliced egg 90 degree in a slicer and slice again. Or chop eggs with a sharp pastry blender in a bowl. Draw down a wedger's wires only partway to open an egg to hold a stuffing or resemble a flower.

Cook Simply for the Two of You

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Preparing a meal for just the two of you can be quick and easy, especially if you keep eggs on hand.

Cook Simply for the Two of You

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Preparing a meal for just the two of you can be quick and easy, especially if you keep eggs on hand. Versatile eggs are a high-quality protein food portioned by nature to suit small households. Egg producers have made eggs even more convenient by offering 6- and 8-count packs to retailers. However many eggs you buy, they'll keep in the refrigerator, with insignificant quality loss, for at least three weeks from the time you bring them home.

With eggs in the fridge, it's easy to add a welcome change of pace to your menus. Eggs can also help you include more vegetables in your diet, as the new Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend. Quiche in Pepper Pots is a good example of an entree that combines egg protein with the vitamins, minerals and fiber of veggies.

These novel individual quiches are easy on the cook, too. Simply choose any colorful vegetable blend you like to fill the peppers, pour on an egg-and-milk custard and bake. Got company coming? Then just multiply the recipe to suit the number of servings you need.

For fast, nutritious eating other times, you can use the remaining eggs you have on hand in a variety of ways. Toss slices or wedges of hard-cooked eggs with greens and other veggies for a main-dish salad; poach eggs right in your favorite soup; reheat leftover pasta and veggies and pour on eggs to make a skillet scramble.

Quiche in Pepper Pots

2 servings

2 medium (about 4 oz. each) green, yellow or sweet red peppers 1/2 cup (about 8 oz.) frozen vegetable blend, thawed
2 eggs

1/4 cup skim or low-fat milk 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon Italian seasoning, crushed

Cut tops off peppers and remove seeds. Sawtooth or scallop pepper edges, if desired. Stand peppers upright in custard cups or muffin-pan cups. Spoon 1/4 cup of the vegetables into each pepper. In small bowl, beat together eggs, milk and seasonings until well blended. Pour about 1/3 cup of the egg mixture over vegetables in each pepper.

Bake in preheated 325 degree F oven until knife inserted near center comes out

clean, about 60 to 70 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes before serving.

Nutrition information per serving of 1/2 recipe using green and yellow peppers; broccoli, sweet red pepper, mushroom and onion vegetable blend; and skim milk: 119 calories, 5 gm total fat, 213 mg cholesterol, 89 mg sodium, 283 mg potassium, 10 gm carbohydrate, 9 gm protein and 10% or more of the RDI for vitamins A, B12 and C, riboflavin, phosphorus.

Cook Wisely To Avoid Diabetes!

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There is a strong correlation between obesity and the onset of type 2 diabetes with its associated insulin resistance. It should be pointed out that in the United States the proportion of the population under 40 that can be clinically defined as obese now exceeds 25%. Many children are obese and are developing type 2 diabetes at an alarming epidemic rate. The dramatic rise in obesity in the US has lead to an equally alarming increase in the percentage of the population who su...

diabetes symptoms,diabetes,blindness,kidney failure,immune system,Islet cells,insulin,Type 2 diabete

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There is a strong correlation between obesity and the onset of type 2 diabetes with its associated insulin resistance. It should be pointed out that in the United States the proportion of the population under 40 that can be clinically defined as obese now exceeds 25%. Many children are obese and are developing type 2 diabetes at an alarming epidemic rate. The dramatic rise in obesity in the US has lead to an equally alarming increase in the percentage of the population who suffer from the metabolic syndrome. The metabolic syndrome is a clustering of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk factors, one of which involves insulin resistance characteristic in type 2 diabetes. It should be pointed out that obesity alone does not always lead to insulin resistance as some individuals who are obese do not experience insulin resistance and conversely, some individuals who manifest insulin resistance are not obese.

Is diabetes serious?

Yes. Diabetes is a life-long condition. High blood glucose levels over a long period of time can cause blindness, heart disease, kidney problems, amputations, nerve damage, and erectile dysfunction. Good diabetes care and management can delay or prevent the onset of these complications.

The good news

You can live a long and healthy life by keeping your blood glucose levels in your target range. You can do this by:

1.   Eating healthy meals
2.   Being physically active regularly
3.   Taking diabetes medication, including insulin

Things you should know about insulin
When insulin was first discovered and made available for people with diabetes, there was only one kind of short-acting insulin. This required several injections a day.
As time went on, new insulins were developed that lasted longer, requiring fewer injections, but requiring strict attention to timing of meals.

This gives more flexibility in the number and timing of injections, making it easier to maintain target blood glucose levels, based on your lifestyle. One to four injections a day may be suggested to you for optimal control of your blood glucose.

Are there any precautions before changing over to insulin?

Before considering a move to insulin it is worth examining all the option with

regard to combination therapy. Diet should be optimised and the benefit of exercise discussed. It is important to be aware of the possibility of weight gain and of the need to maintain weight ‘neutral’ especially if already obese.

I used to love to just throw food together. Part of it was laziness, but another part of it was just the joy in experimenting. I would never use cooking recipes at all – not if I could help it. I had dozens of cookbooks, but I never consulted the cookbook recipes. Most of them I inherited from friends who were moving in and out of town, which made it easy to amass quite a collection. I didn't want to get rid of them, but I saw very little need for them. After all, my cooking was pretty good.

Then one day, one of my friends – a serious gourmet – came over. He made the most delicious dish. It was an Italian dish – calzones I think – and it was one of the best things I had ever had. I asked how he came up with it, and to his my surprise he told me he had just follow the cookbook recipe.

At first, I was a little bit surprised. I knew that he was someone who love to experiment on his own, and it wasn't             like him to use cookbook recipes. I asked him about it, and he told me about how much he had grown as a cook. Since he started using a recipe cookbook, he had gotten more compliments on his meals than ever before. He had been eating healthier, and his meals had been much more delicious than they used to be. Hearing all this, I couldn't help but admit that cookbook recipes made some sense.

I am not very good at following directions, so I started my recipe cooking pretty simple. I did a lot of rice dishes, crockpot dishes, and simple baking. Just learning to set the temperature like they say, add just enough salt, the right proportion of water, and the right spices was novel for me. When I was ready, however, I got into some more advanced, difficult cookbook recipes. I had always wanted to try cooking Thai food, so I figured it was my chance to begin. It didn't turn out so well the first time I tried it, but I persevered.

Soon, I had a recipe book of my own. It was compiled of some of my favorite cook book recipes, many of them altered with slight variations to fit my tastes. I can't say that I am quite as creative at cooking as I used to be, but I certainly cook much better food. Some of it is completely to die for.

Cookie Bouquets: How To Make A Great Mothers Day Gift.

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This year, instead of giving your mom a boring mothers day gift, how about making her a cookie bouquet? They are really quick and easy to make, and look great...

mothers day gift, cookie bouquet, cookie bouquets

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This year, instead of giving your mom a boring mothers day gift, how about making her a cookie bouquet? They are really quick and easy to make, and look great.

The best thing about making a cookie bouquet, is that your mom will absolutely love you! Cookie bouquets are appreciated all year round, but they make a particularly great mothers day gift, because your mom will know you have spent time on it, rather than just going to the store and spending 2 minutes looking for some chocolate to buy :)

Many cookie bouquets are basic, and only have cookies in them. I like to add a bit more style to my bouquets, so I'm going to show you how to make a more fancy cookie bouquet, using leaves and candies as well.

You will need:
-   9 Large choc-chip cookies
-   7 Wrapped candies
-   Floristry wire
-   Cellophane (Any color, although I use clear)
-   Ribbon
-   Stem-tape
-   15 Leaves

<b>    Step 1: Wire and tape the leaves    </b> Start by wiring and taping the leaves...

You wire a silk leaf by pushing the floristry wire through the silk part of the leaf, behind the stem. Then loop it around, and go back through the leaf, and then bend the wire back down.

To stem-tape the wire, hold it in your left hand, and then wrap the stem tape around the wire with the other hand. Make sure that you stem-tape right up to the top of the leaf, otherwise it will look ugly.

<b>    Step 2: Prepare cookies to be added to the cookie bouquet    </b>

You don't need to wrap the cookies, but I like to, because it helps to keep them fresh. I would rather have a cookie bouquet that doesn't have to be eaten straight away, so that people can leave it on the table for everyone to look at, without worrying about the cookies going stale.

Cut the cellophane into 9 squares. Make sure the cellophane squares are large enough to wrap around the cookies.

Next wrap the cookies in the cellophane, and twist the end.

Then wire and tape the cellophane, and snip off any excess cellophane.

<b>    Step 3: Prepare the candies to be added to the cookie bouquet    </b>

Wire and stem tape the candies. Depending on the different candies you used, you might have to wrap the candies in cellophane, similar to how the cookies were prepared.

<b>    Step 4: Fan the cookies out in the bouquet    </b>

Hold the cookies in a bunch in one hand. Then bend out the wire slightly, to fan out the cookies. This will leave spaces for the leaves, which we will add in the the next step...

<b>    Step 5: Fill in the cookies bouquet with leaves    </b>

Place the leaves in the gaps in the bouquet. Fan out the leaves, so that they make a circular shape. Then squeeze the bouquet together a little. (But not too tight, as we still need to put the candies in...)

<b>    Step 6: Add the candies to the cookie bouquet    </b>

Fill in any remaining gaps with the candies prepared in step 3. Try and keep the bouquet symmetrical, but don't worry about making it perfect... a little un-evenness will make the cookie bouquet seem more natural.

<b>    Step 7: Tape the handle    </b>

To finish the cookie bouquet, just trim the ends of the wires in the handle to an even length, and then stem-tape the handle.

That's it, a cookie bouquet ready to give your mom. Write out a greeting on a mothers day card, and then give your mom the card, the cookie bouquet, and a kiss on the cheek, and I'll guarantee you'll be in her good books for a few months to come!

Cookie Decorating Book – Learn the art of decorating

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Cook decorating book provides you essential tips and guidelines that can help you in decorating cookies.

cookie decorating book,decorating book,cake decorating book

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Cookies are delicious to eat and can be eaten any time of the day. Why not try making delicious cookies all by yourself. Today there are different types of cookie decorating book that can help you prepare delicious and yummy cookies. These books provide you with not only mouth watering recipes but also different ways of decorating your cookie.

Everyone likes to eat cookie especially children who may love to eat every day. Don't you want to give tasty and decorated cookies to them or have it yourself? This book gives a different look to your cookies that attracts the attention of your guest. Moreover the tips provided in this book are simple and easy to understand.

Cook decorating book provides you essential tips and guidelines that can help you in decorating cookies. With the help of this book you can give an attractive look to your cookies. Purchase cookie decorating book to decorate cookies for Christmas celebration, birthday party or a picnic trip.

Cookie Decorating Book: Features
The main feature of this book is that it contains some of the best tips to decorate your cookies. Even though it acts as cookie decorator it is available at a very reasonable and affordable price. It contains step by step instructions and attractive pictures so as to render special guidance. It contains easy and simple project work for its user.

Cookie Decorating Book: Advantage
Cookies decoration book not only contains cookies decoration tips but it also provides various cookie making recipes, which is an added advantage. With the guidance of this book you can decorate the cookies in a unique manner.

You may have tried Cake Decorating Book or some other Decoration Books but it is the best time to try Cookie Decorating Book as it is available at best reasonable prices that make up your cookies. You can get wide collections in Cookie Decoration Book that makes your purchase beneficial.

If you are a professional cookie maker you can extract much greater benefits that enhance your professional skill. Decorate your best cookies just like your grandma use to decorate.

Cookie Dough Fundraisers

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Describes cookie dough fundraisers, provides sales tips and how to advice on boosting your fundraising profits. Includes sample sales script you can use to boost your cookie dough fundraiser results.

cookie dough fundraiser,cookie dough,fundraiser,fundraising

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Looking for good school fundraiser? Cookie dough sales are an easy moneymaker. What is a cookie dough fundraiser? The basic concept is the same as all order taker fundraisers. You equip your sellers with a brochure, an order form, and a basic sales script.

Your group does catalog sales of a three-pound tub of cookie dough. Average retail price is $10 per three-pound tub. The dough comes in a wide variety of flavors, including some that are sugar free.

Some suppliers are now offering the dough in pre-sliced packages to further simplify the baking process.

Others are offering it in a dry mix that doesn't need to be refrigerated. All you do is add water, mix by hand, and you have your cookie dough ready for baking.

Most fundraising companies offer the three-pound tubs of cookie dough at a 40%-50% discount. Some suppliers also offer a larger four-pond tub for slightly more.

Cookie dough needs to be refrigerated, so this fundraiser requires a little more delivery preparation.&nbsp; Kids like selling this because it’s something that they enjoy themselves.

The average seller makes ten sales or approximately $100 in revenue. That translates to roughly $50 in profit per seller, which is quite good.

Factors affecting your cookie dough fundraiser profitability include freight charges, quantity discounts, quality of the brochure, number of available cookie dough choices, and the need to keep the dough refrigerated.

This product works well for both elementary school and high school fundraising.

Larger groups can easily earn a quantity discount above 50%. As always, do an RFQ fax quote to the supplier list and get your best possible discount up front.

Sales Tips
Here's what they need to do to sell:

1   - Smile, use their name in greeting, and introduce yourself
2   - Use the power of "because" (give a reason why)
3   - Ask for their help (ask for the order)
4   - Make eye contact and suggest a favorite Example sales script: (Keep it short & sweet)
Hi, Mrs. Johnson! (Smile & make eye contact)

I'm Jimmy Roberts from down the street. (Hand over sales flyer with large bold print)

Our school is doing a cookie dough fundraiser because we need new computers.

Can you help us out with a $10 contribution? That gets you a three-pound tub of cookie dough. My favorite is the chocolate chip, but peanut butter is real popular too!

(Pause and wait for a response)

The important points are to smile, use a sales flyer, use the word because, ask for their help, and suggest an order size, then wait for a response.

Each prospect has a potential dollar value to your organization. Don't waste prospects by not being prepared. Make sure all your sellers know what to say and how to say it.

When I was a little kid, the cookie jar was one of the centers of my world. My parents had an heirloom cookie jar that was always put up on top of the refrigerator. My parents liked to give us treats every now and then from it, but they were pretty health-conscious people. They wanted to stop us from having cookies on our own, fearing that as kids we would not know when to stop.

Looking back on it, they certainly were right. Cookie jars are such an irresistible source of temptation for kids, especially when they are well decorated like this one was. It was a pretty cookie Christmas jar, decorated with pine trees, red ribbons, and even an image of Santa Claus and his sleigh riding around the rim of the jar. I think that was part of the temptation. There is something that is always more tempting about cookies in a jar.

Don't get me wrong – cookies are best fresh off the baking sheet. They taste so good, after all, and they are so soft and chewy when they are completely new. Still, the cookie jar itself has such a beautiful and forbidden look to it – like a chest of hidden pirate treasure. It is always just out of your reach as a kid. When I think about it, cookie jars might be a pretty bad approach to things. Rather than making the cookies less tempting, they make them look like a forbidden goal, a haunting paradise just out of reach. This is why so many kids spend so much time struggling to stick their hand in the cookie jar!

Still, having grown up with a cookie jar, I kind of missed it when I moved out   on my own. I looked at a lot of ceramic mason jars, but none of them worked. None of them were quite right. Then one day, I was in an antique shop when I saw it – the perfect cookies jar. It had a much different look than the one that I grew up with, but nonetheless, I knew it was right. It had an almost Moroccan design, ornamental with miniature ceramic tiles in a mosaic pattern around the circumference. It was beautiful to look at, and one glance left little doubt that the contents would be absolutely delicious. I bought it, and immediately went home. I was going to do some baking tonight!

Cookies And Kids

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I don’t know what it is but there are some smells that bring back fond memories and one of them is the whiff of a freshly baked cookie. I don’t have a particularly sweet tooth and can actually survive without cakes or chocolates but once I am hit by that cookie smell I am taken to a warm and wonderful place. I want to enjoy the cookie all on my own and find myself a quiet place with a cup of my favourite coffee and prepare to be in heaven.

It isn’t just eating a freshly ba...

Keywords: parenting,parents,kids

Article Body:
I don’t know what it is but there are some smells that bring back fond memories and one of them is the whiff of a freshly baked cookie. I don’t have a particularly sweet tooth and can actually survive without cakes or chocolates but once I am hit by that cookie smell I am taken to a warm and wonderful place. I want to enjoy the cookie all on my own and find myself a quiet place with a cup of my favourite coffee and prepare to be in heaven.

It isn’t just eating a freshly baked cookie that is enjoyable but making them can be very satisfying too. Cookie baking can be great fun if you have young kids and that is probably where some of my earliest cookie memories come from. I remember how much I loved helping my grandma mix all the cookie ingredients together and then shape them on a baking tray before she put them in the oven. I felt so special when she let me lick the mixing bowl clean of the cookie mixture too! Anyway, the first time I suggested that my daughter could help me bake some cookies she was about four years old and her little face lit up. We made quite a mess I must be honest but we really had a great time together and the cookies didn’t turn out all that bad either.

If you have young kids in your family then why not give cookie baking a try? You don’t have to be a wonderful cook; in fact you can buy cookie mixes that you just have to add water to so you have more chance of baking great cookies. You could always buy some of the cookie dough that has become popular but I think that the mixing process is the best bit! Making different shapes of cookies and then decorating them afterwards is also something that most kids love to do. You might even think about giving some of these homemade cookies as gifts, especially if your kids helped make them. A cookie that was decorated by a grandchild for Christmas or any other special occasion is bound to be enjoyed far more than a store bought one.

Looking for something a little different to send as a gift this year? Instead of looking thorough the various options in traditional flower arrangements you might want to consider Cookies by Design. This company merges the best of both worlds. You not only have a beautiful presentation that will be admired, you also have an edible treat to enjoy at your leisure.

The general concept is to bring together edible treats with visually appealing bouquets. While many of us like to receive fresh flowers, nearly everyone loves to receive fresh baked goods. The Cookies by Design Company arranges the baked goods to give the feel of a real bouquet. It just doesn’t get better than that.

Cookies by Design has a ton of ideas for your special occasion. There are traditional cookie arrangements that offer tasty sentiment or you can opt for something a little more humorous in your selection. One newer ideas presented by the Cookies by Design Company is a real treat for any fans of pudgy orange kitties.

The Garfield cookie bouquets are a knock out for fans of this loveable cartoon icon. I remember looking forward to the Sunday paper every week just to get a glimpse of the Garfield comic strip. Now that the Cookies by Design Company has brought this adorable cat into its collection, I have a new item on my wish list.

What I love about this collection in the Cookies by Design fair is that there is a smile in every presentation. The gifts are great reminders that there is someone thinking fondly of them and they are also wonderful vehicles to make us feel a little lighter, even though the cookies might not.

Cookies by Design makes its baked goods from the finest quality products. Sugar cookies are the basis behind each and every design and you will be impressed with the size of these delicious treats. Each piece is about four and a half inches high and nearly a half inch thick. Now that’s a cookie that you can sink your teeth into.

Each piece is hand decorated to give an extra special touch. The Cookies by Design Company uses large lollipop sticks to hold the baked goods in place but there the company also uses other accessories to make the presentation complete. For example, the arrangement I received was surrounded by a cute white-picket fence.

There are so many options offered that you are sure to find many things that appeal to your sweet tooth through the Cookies by Design Company.

Cooking Basics for Beginners

When it comes to cooking, it is important to keep in mind that everyone started somewhere. I do not know of a single person who was born with a wooden cooking spoon and ready to go. There is a lot of learning that must be done in order to become a prolific cook and then there is always room for improvement. Not only do you need to begin with the basics when it comes to cooking but you almost need to begin again when learning to cook a new cuisine such as Chinese, Thai, or Indian food.

This means that at any given time in your cooking learning cycles there is quite probably someone somewhere that is better and/or worse at cooking than you. Take heart from this because even the best have bad days when it comes to cooking. There are many people who cook for different reasons. Some cook in order to eat and survive while others cook because they actually enjoy the process of cooking. Some cook during times of emotional upheaval and others cook out of sheer boredom. Whatever your reason for cooking or learning to cook you should always begin with the basics.

The first thing that you need to learn is what the different terminology you will find in recipes actually means. There are many new and sometimes foreign sounding terms that you will find in common recipes. These terms can mean the difference in recipe success or failure. You should be able to find a good section in any inclusive cookbook that explains the different definitions for unfamiliar terminology. If you aren’t absolutely certain what is meant by “folding in the eggs” it is in your best interests to look it up.

Another great bit of advice when it comes to cooking basics is to try simpler recipes for a while and then expand your horizons to the more complex recipes that abound. Most recipes will have a little note about their degree of difficulty and you can read through the recipe to see whether or not it is something you are interested in preparing or confident that you can prepare. Remember Rome wasn’t built in a day and it will take quite some time to build a reliable ‘repertoire’ of recipes to work into your meal planning rotation.

The good news is that once you’ve learned the basics of cooking it is unlikely that you will ever need to relearn them. This means that you can constantly build up and expand your cooking skills. As you learn new recipes and improve your culinary skills and talents you will discover that preparing your own meals from scratch is much more rewarding than preparing prepackaged meals that are purchased from the shelves of your local supermarkets.

You will also discover as your experience and confidence grows that you will find yourself more and more often improvising as you go and adjusting recipes to meet your personal preferences. If you prefer more or less of ingredients or want to make a recipe a little more or less spicy in flavor you can make simple adjustments along the way in order to achieve this goal. In other words you will begin in time to create recipes of your very own. And that is something you won’t necessarily learn when it comes to basic cooking skills for beginners but you would never learn if you didn’t master those basic cooking skills.


Cooking in the heart of Cajun country is an art form. There really is very little science to this particular form of cooking that includes a lot more than mere lagniappe from the pantry or the spice cabinet. Cajun cooking is something that has often been imitated around the country and around the world but can very rarely be accurately duplicated.

One of the fascinating things about Cajun cooking is the fact that there are very few exact recipes. Most, if not all authentic Cajun cooking is done to taste rather than measurements. Even more amazing is that from day to day one person can make the same dish over and over and it is quite likely to taste a little bit different each and every time it is made. The major reason for this is that in addition to being an art form in and of itself, Cajun food is often made even more delicious or mysterious simply by the mood of the one doing the cooking.

I’m sure that many of you have watched as Emeril Lagasse makes some special concoction and exclaims “Bam!” there is a good bit of that when it comes to Cajun cooking. Something that goes far beyond the ingredients in the recipe and somewhere into the heart and the soul of the cook in question. There is a reason that many southern cooked dishes are referred to as soul food and you should not for one second forget that New Orleans is in the heart of the Deep South.

The most difficult thing, perhaps when it comes to preparing good Cajun dishes outside of the New Orleans region is finding the right ingredients. It is nearly impossible to find the fresh seasonings and spices that are essential to most Cajun cuisine outside the heart of the old south. Not only that, but fresh crawfish and andouille sausage are a little difficult to come by during the heart of a Michigan winter.

If you are determined to learn to make Cajun food of your own, you must first find the ingredients. Specialty food shops or those that will special order might be your best bet. There are some grocers that will carry a limited stock of Cajun seasonings on their international food aisles. Keep in mind that these sources are extremely limited. Once you have the ingredients, it’s time to let a little jazz blare from your speakers in order to set the mood. Most of the best Cajun dishes require a substantial amount of time for simmering and this should be considered. Cajun food is not to be rushed—much like the citizens of the Big Easy. The food will be ready in time and as the one cooking the food you must learn to accept that about Cajun food. It has a way of letting you know when it is ready that is almost mythical until you’ve experienced it for yourself.

Cooking Cajun food will try your patience, try your talents, and in some cases zap your energy, as it tends to be an emotional process for many. On the other end however, Cajun food is some of the richest and most delicious food on the planet. Mastering the ability to cook this wonderful food will make you a slave to its flavor for many years to come.


Cooking Classes for the Masses

Whether you are a seasoned pro when it comes to the fine art of cooking or an utter novice there should be some cooking classes or resources in your area that can help you learn and improve your existing skills. Surprisingly few people manage to utilize the many wonderful opportunities that are available to them when it comes to cooking classes.

If you are considering a cooking class you should be glad to know that many communities offer them for a nominal fee at night and sometimes on the weekend. These classes are rather basic and often designed to help women learn the basics of a few economical and healthy meals to prepare for their beginning families. If you fit the bill for this, then you should check out your local library for possible leads for these sorts of classes in your area. Even if they do not have the information available it is quite likely that they can point you in the right direction.

If you are looking for cooking classes that you can take with your children, check out your library once again for the first resource. There are also many gourmet food shops that offer cooking classes for parents to take with their children. This is a great opportunity to bond with your child while you both learn to prepare a new dish or two together. It is quite likely that you will be quite surprised by the things you can learn from your child as well as the things you can learn by simply taking the class.

For those among us who are seeking culinary experience with very specific cuisines you will have to search a little more for the perfect cooking classes in which you can achieve your goal. They do exist however, though your chances of learning Thai cooking are much greater in a larger city than in smaller towns throughout the country. If you are really interested in learning some exotic cooking techniques perhaps you should consider a vacation in which you can try out a few new cooking classes while you are there. If you prefer other things on your vacation to cooking you could make a point of attempting one basic class in the cuisine of your choice for each vacation you take. This will give you a little more than the same old souvenir to bring back from your trip and an experience that in many cases is quite memorable.

Finally, if you are looking for a romantic idea, how about signing up to take a couples cooking class? Believe it or not, these classes are often offered in both big and smaller cities. They seem to be all the rage around Valentine’s day, perhaps the hint is that the other partner in a relationship can share some of the cooking responsibility or perhaps the idea is that there is more than one way to steam up the kitchen.

Regardless of the reason for taking cooking classes they can bring not only a great deal of enjoyment to your dining room, but also increase your ease in your kitchen. If you’ve never taken a cooking class, there is no time like the present to do so. No matter how skilled you are in the kitchen there is always something that can be learned.



Cooking Dinner on Valentine’s Day

Many couples celebrate Valentine’s Day by going out to eat at a special restaurant. In fact so many couples do this on Valentine’s Day that getting a table at a highly sought after restaurant will likely involve making reservations well in advance and restaurants which do not take reservations may require long waits to be seated on Valentine’s Day.
However, couples who are looking for a change of pace on Valentine’s Day can try cooking their own dinner on Valentine’s Day. This article will provide some basic tips for cooking dinner on Valentine’s Day and will also provide some ideas for making the activity of cooking more unique.

The most important tip we can offer for those who are planning to cook dinner on Valentine’s Day is to keep the meal simple. This does not mean you have to serve something boring. Rather it means you should plan on cooking a meal which is not overly complicated or difficult to make. This is important because if you plan a meal which is too difficult you may spend too much time in the kitchen working on the meal and not enough time enjoying the results of your efforts with your loved one.

Another great tip for cooking dinner on Valentine’s Day is to make sure the meal you select is one your partner will enjoy. When selecting the meal, consider your partners personal preferences as well as allergies or any dietary restrictions. This will help to ensure you are cooking a meal which both you and your partner can enjoy. For example a steak dinner may seem romantic but if your partner is a vegetarian she may not appreciate this type of meal.

If you are planning to cook dinner on Valentine’s Day, you should also purchase all the ingredients ahead of time. This will help to ensure you are not scrambling at the last minute to find a few hard to find ingredients. It will also help to alleviate a great deal of stress which could occur if you find yourself unable to find some of the key ingredients and having to make substitutions. However, if you plan ahead and buy all of your ingredients a day or two in advance, you do not have to worry about rushing around on Valentine’s Day to get everything ready and can spend more time preparing for the meal by prepping vegetables or making dishes ahead of time.

You might also want to consider asking your partner to help you cook the meal on Valentine’s Day. This is a fun way to make the act of cooking dinner a way for the two of you to spend some additional quality time together. If you are planning an elaborate meal, you and your partner can work together to make sure everything turns out great. Even if you are planning a simple meal, you will still enjoy the time you get to spend together and will likely enjoy the meal even more because you cooked it together.

One way to make cooking dinner together more like a date is to plan on taking a cooking class together on Valentine’s Day. You and your partner can sign up to take a class together where you will learn a new style of cooking. You will both learn something and you will get to spend some time together making the meal. Furthermore, you will likely be able to bring the meal you made home to share. This means you will not only have a

great meal but you will have had a great time making the meal together. This is a great idea for couples who are on a first date because it can be a real ice breaker. During the class you will be involved with working together and following the instructions.
Afterwards you will have a great deal to talk about because you will automatically have something in common. You can share your thoughts on the class or even stories about the mistakes you made while in class.


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Cooking for Crowds Shouldn’t be a Frightening Proposition

Most people balk at the idea of cooking for large crowds of people. With images of huge stockpots boiling over and becoming chained to a hot stove and oven for countless hours on end, it’s no wonder that so many people avoid the idea of cooking food for large crowds with more tenacity than they avoid being last in the dinner line.

The good news is that it doesn’t have to be the frightening proposition that so many make it out to be. When it comes to cooking for a large crowd, the planning phase is the most important. You absolutely must plan your meals when feeding a large group of people.
This goes far beyond the notion of spaghetti or fried chicken as the meals you are planning. You need to know how many servings you will need. While obviously you never know how hungry people will be or who will eat how much when it comes to cooking for a large crowd it is a good idea to always plan for a few extra mouths in case some need a little more than you may think (you might want to double servings for teen and college aged men that will be dining).

You need to know at least a general number of servings to prepare and adjust your recipe in order to accommodate those needs. Some people find it much simpler if they can double or triple recipes rather than scaling them to specific serving sizes. If this works best for you then by all means incorporate this practice when cooking for crowds. One thing you must be aware of is that you will need to include in order to create the meal you are planning.

Having the proper ingredients and the proper amounts of ingredients is more important in bulk recipes than is often necessary in smaller recipes as there is less leeway when it comes to creating the proper consistency. You should keep this in mind when making purchases for your cooking for a large crowd event.

Some people find the best route to take when it comes to cooking for crowds is to keep everything as close to their normal cooking routine as possible. This would mean that instead of cooking one really huge pan of lasagna for a triple sized crowd, they would instead cook three normal sized pans of lasagna. This accomplishes two things really and is something you may wish to keep in mind despite the extra time spent in the kitchen.

First of all, if something goes, wrong only one third of the meal is in shambles rather than the entire dinner. Second, you have a greater possibility of finding consistency issues before the baking begins if you are using measurements and cooking containers that you are familiar with and comfortable using. It is always best to discover errors and omissions sooner rather than later when it comes to cooking as very few ingredients can be properly added after the fact.

While cooking for crowds may send some into dizzying spells with heart palpitations it helps if you take a few deep breaths, sit down, plan your menu, plan your meals, make a list of your ingredients, and cook in a manner that is comfortable for you. If you would rather get it all over with in one fell swoop, then by all means do just that. If you are more

comfortable making multiple dishes of family favorites then that is probably going to be the best course of action in order to meet your large crowd cooking needs.

Most importantly you should remember when cooking for crowds is that you might have just earned yourself a well-deserved night off afterwards. Cooking for crowds is time consuming and should be approached when well rested (if that is even possible) for the best results. There is something that is actually very satisfying about knowing that you have fed a crowd and fed them well.


Ahmed shahata

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