8_Simple_Commonsense_Cooking_Tips 8_Simple_Commonsense_Cooking_Tips


8 Simple Commonsense Cooking TipsWord :

Summary:Do you get lumps in your white sauce? When making white sauce (béchamel) or any
sauce that requires slow cooking to thicken use an egg whisk and you can increase
the temperature (not too much though) to speed the process up.and you wont get any
limps in it.
cooking tips,
Article Body:
Do you get lumps in your white sauce? When making white sauce (béchamel) or any
sauce that requires slow cooking to thicken use an egg whisk and you can increase
the temperature (not too much though) to speed the process up.and you wont get any
limps in it.
Turn your open barbeque into a gourment oven. Want to try a new barbeque recipe that
requires a hood on the barbeque which you may not have. Try using a wok lid or any
domed lid. This works very well indeed. Great for roasted meats when camping out.
Never buy frozen pastry again. Do you hate making short pastry. Use a kitchen whiz
instead of the usual hand method. Use slightly less liquid than may be asked for in
the recipe.Just run the whiz until all the pastry forms into a ball. If it wont form
into a ball you may need just a touch more liquid. The liquid depends on what recipe
you use for your pastry.
Do your scones look more like rock cakes ? Make your scones in a kitchen whiz. Many
people just can't make scones no matter what. Usually the problem is too much
handling. Using the whiz eliminates this problem.
Also try and make your scones as though people or the family are sitting at the
table waiting. In other words the less time you take means less handling. The
mixture should be quite moist not dry after you add the milk.
Turn onto a well floured board and top a few times with the tips of your fingers to
draw the extra four in. This should only take you about 5-8 seconds. Gently pat into
shape and cut into whatever shaped scones you want - round or square -whatever.
Scones seem to come out best when cooked in what is variously described as a rising
oven. In other words turn your oven on not too long before you start to mix your
scones and when they are put in the oven it still has not quite reached the required
I learnt this way of making scones when I was used to crew on a yacht when I was
younger and the guys would want morning tea and see if they could cajole me into
making some. Hence my reference to having a waiting audience. The oven was only a
small benchtop gas oven and I would turn it on to its maximum temperature and then
throw the flour butter and milk together. They were most impressed and I was most
surprised at the result. I was not at all sure of my expertise in scone making as my
mother could never make scones - hers were the ones that came out like bullets.
I did later convert my mother into making scones in the kitchen whiz when she was
around 65 and she was amazed that she finally learnt to make a scone that was
I might add that scones became a regular morning tea item
Are your curries chewy? Do you have trouble working out if a casserole or curry is
cooked. When the oil (fat) rises the dish is cooked. All meat dish casseroles have
some fat content and when this is released the meat is cooked.
Are you missing the magic ingredient? Have you ever cooked a curry or casserole and
the flavour just needs a little something and you cant quite work out exactly what
is needed. Maybe it seems as though the flavours don't quite go together. It is a
small intangible ingredient that is lacking. Try a very small amount of sugar and
you will be surprised how it seems to blend and mellow the flavours into a more
harmonious combination. The flavours will cease to fight against each other.
Whoops have you ever slipped with the salt pot when cooking? Have you ever added
just a touch too much salt to a recipe. Never add sugar to correct this try a
squeeze of lemon juice.
I hate washing roasting pans. Do you like to have roasted potatoes occasionally but
hate washing up the pan afterwards. Here is a simple easy method and it uses less
fat. Cut each potato with the skin on, in half so that you have the largest cut
area. Add a little margarine and spread it on the cut side of the potato. Then
sprinkle with salt and pepper if you want.
Place the buttered potatoes buttered side down on a sheet of aluminium foil wrap.
Fold the foil and seal. Add to a preheated hot oven 200 degrees centigrade and cook
for approx half an hour. When cooked unwrap and gently peel the foil off the
potatoes and serve. Throw the foil in the garbage and voila - lovely scrisp roasted
potatoes and no mess.

Ahmed shahata

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